The False Prophet Rev. 13:7-16

The False Prophet Revelation 13:7-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we finished the lesson last week, we were unable to cover all of the material on the Antichrist so we’ll finish that section and then we’ll continue with the study of the next beast which turns out to be the False...

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The Antichrist Rev. 13:1-6

The Antichrist Revelation 13:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Revelation 13, John sees two beasts come up, the first out of the sea [v.1] and the second out of the earth [v.11].  The one out of the sea is the antichrist.  The one out of the earth is the false prophet. ...

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The Accuser of Our Brethren Rev. 12:10-17

The Accuser of Our Brethren Revelation 12:10-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson you will see the various things the devil does to trouble and destroy Israel.  You will also see things that the Lord does to help her overcome these afflictions caused by the devil.  Here are the details:...

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Rebirth of Israel Rev. 12:1-9

Rebirth of Israel Revelation 12:1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Revelation 12 prophecies the rebirth of Israel and the devil’s final attempt before the millennium to destroy the nation of Israel.  Here are the details: 12:1 – A Woman – this is not “Our Lady of Guadalupe” – this woman is Israel...

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The Seventh Angel Rev. 11:15-19

The Seventh Angel Revelation 11:15-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When the seventh angel sounds, Jesus takes over all the kingdoms of the world, judges the nations, pours out his wrath on some while rewarding others, and then reveals the ark in the temple of God in heaven. Here are the details:...

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Two Witnesses Killed, Rev 11:7-11

Two Witnesses Killed After the two witnesses finish their 42 months of prophesying, accompanied by their miraculous power, they are killed by the beast and left for dead for three and a half days while the world celebrates their death.  Suddenly, they are resurrected and ascend into heaven.  Following their...

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Two Tribulation Witnesses, Rev 11:1-6

The Two Witnesses Revelation 11:1-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Two Tribulation Witnesses In Revelation 11, the Lord tells John to measure the temple of God and then he reveals to him details about two tribulation witnesses who prophesy for the last 42 months of the tribulation.  First, we’ll study what John...

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The Little Book Rev. 10:1-11

The Little Book This chapter is a parenthetical, in that it falls within the time element of the trumpets, perhaps the last two trumpets.  The angel in this chapter is not the seventh angel that sounds the seventh trumpet.  That trumpet doesn’t sound until Revelation 11:15.  What follows is a...

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The Sixth Trumpet Rev. 9:13

The Sixth Trumpet The Sixth trumpet sounds and 200,000,000 supernatural horses appear, killing 1/3 of the population of the earth.  Here are the details: 13 – John hears a voice coming from the four horns of the golden altar [see Exodus 30:2-3] 14 – the voice instructs the sixth angel...

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The Fifth Trumpet Rev. 9:1-12

The Fifth Trumpets Revelation 9:1-12 CCLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Fifth Trumpet When this trumpet sounds, an angel opens the bottomless pit and locusts come out that torment men on the earth for 5 months.  Here are the particulars.  1 – the fifth angel sounds this trumpet – John sees...

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