He Reproves the World, Jn 16:1-11

He Reproves the World John 16:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here Jesus Christ is trying to help the Disciples understand the beneficial aspects of some news that they are having a difficult time accepting. Essentially, He has told them that He is leaving, that they will be persecuted and that the...

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Righteous Judgment, Jn 7:14-34

Righteous Judgment John 7:14-34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The difference between Jesus and the Pharisees is that His doctrine and judgment were right and the doctrine and judgment of the Pharisees were wrong. The Pharisees were the most learned of men, but the problem was that they had not learned...

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Isaiah 1:16-31 A Call and Declaration to Jerusalem

Isaiah 1:16-31 A Call and Declaration to Jerusalem CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jerusalem had strayed so far from the Lord that Isaiah had to preach to her the way a preacher has to preach to the lost.  He made a: Call to Righteousness – v.16-17 – Jerusalem was evil, so...

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Matthew 5:17-20 Righteousness and the Law

Matt 5:17-20 Righteousness and the Law CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus turns the attention of his disciples to the subject of the law and righteousness. In Jesus’ ministry he dealt with several things concerning the law. He dealt with: The fulfillment of the law – v.17 Some folks got the idea...

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