My Fruit is Better than Gold, Prov 8:19

My Fruit is Better than Gold Prov. 8:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wisdom in Prov 8 is personified.  In Prov 8:19, she says, My fruit is better than gold.  The inference is that you are better off seeking wisdom than you are seeking gold because the fruit of wisdom is better...

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Do These All The Day, Ps 25:5

There are just a few places in our Bible where we find the phrase “all the day”.  These verses give us instruction on what we should be doing everyday throughout the day. Actively wait on the Lord – Ps 25:5.  To wait on the Lord is to attend as a...

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Steps Ordered by the Lord, Ps 37:23

Ps 37:23 says, “The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord.”  Job said, “My foot hath held his steps, his way have I kept, and not declined,” [Job 23:11].  How does the Lord order our steps? They are ordered in salvation – You’re not a good man...

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God Is In Control, Job 12:16-25

God is in Control Job 12:16-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You and I hear over and over again that “We” need to do something about the condition of our country.  It’s all our fault, we are led to believe.  And then we are given various political strategies and objectives that...

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Follow After Righteousness, 1 Tim 6:11

According to 1 Tim 6:11 righteousness is something that you should follow.  Paul said, follow after righteousness. All over the world, righteousness is available to follow.  You find it in the law.  According to the righteousness of the law, Paul was blameless, Phil 3:6.  The law is our school master...

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Abolished, 2 Tim 1:10

Abolished 2 Tim. 1: 10  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Six times you find the word abolish or abolished in your Bible.  Abolish in the Merriam Webster dictionary is defined as “to end the observance or the effect of (something, such as a law): to completely do away with (something); Annul. ...

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Repentance Salvation and Sin

Repentance and a Willingness to Give Up Sin 1 Cor. 15: 3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Repentance Salvation and Sin. We received the following email from one of our listeners.  “Hello, I have a question concerning Repentance. What if a person truly realizes he is on his way to hell...

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He Proved Them, Ex 15:22-27

When the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt, he led them through the Red Sea.  And immediately following their great song of victory in Ex 15, they encountered a problem.  They found no water, v.22.  The water that they did find was bitter, v.23.  When they asked, What shall we...

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Jesus Sent a Sword, Matt 10:34

Jesus Sent a Sword In Matt 10:34, Jesus said that he didn’t come to send peace on earth. Jesus sent a sword, instead.  A sword is for cutting things, not mending them in peaceful reconciliation. The sharp two-edged sword of the word of God, in Heb 4:12, divides things asunder...

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