Improving Your Prayer Life, Matt 26:41

As long as we are going to take the time to pray, we might as well be as effective in its exercise as we possibly can be.  You can improve your prayer life by improving your: Spiritual Conditioning – Matt 26:41 – after spending all day, and much of the evening,...

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Honour, 1 Sam 2:29-30

Honour is a good name or public esteem; outward respect or admiration; a showing of usually merited respect.  According to Prov 22:1, honour is desirable.  So, if honour is a good thing to have, the question is, “How do you get it?” You don’t get honour by seeking honour –...

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Our Father Shall Rejoice, Prov 23:24

We are the children of God.  We are the sons of God and, therefore, God is our Father.  And just like any father who smiles with joy when his children do what he likes, so there are certain things we do that cause our Father to rejoice.  And the beautiful...

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What Changed the Thief Lk 23:33-44

What Changed the Thief Luke 23: 33-44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is best to read Matt 27:35-44, Mk 15:24-33 and Lk 23:33-44 to get the full picture of what went on during the first three hours of the crucifixion.  These texts cover from 9:00 [Mk 15:25] to 12:00 [Lk 23:44]...

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God’s Qualities and Our Response Ps 36:1-11

God’s Qualities and Our Response Ps. 36: 1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Psalm 36, David extols five characteristics of God.  In verses 5-7, he praises the Lord for his mercy, his faithfulness, his righteousness, his judgments and his lovingkindness.  In this message we are going to discuss these characteristics a...

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The Remedy for Lukewarm Christianity Rev 3:14-19

The Remedy for Lukewarm Christianity Rev. 3:14-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We live in the age of lukewarm Christianity.  Whether we want to admit it or not, whether we can see it or not, we are the generation of lukewarm Christians.  Lukewarm Christians lack the zeal of Titus 2:14; that’s why...

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Consider the End Ecc. 7: 8

Consider The End Ecc. 7: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Ecc 7:8 better is the end of a thing than the beginning.  When evaluating things or making decisions about things, the Lord admonishes us to consider the end.  For instance, the Lord waits till the end of our lives to judge...

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Noah The Man For A Storm

Noah The Man For A Storm CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Noah lived in a world that was caused [Gen 5:29], corrupt [Gen 6:11], and violent [Gen 6:11], like ours is today.  That’s why storms and troubles come.  You can’t fix the world spiritually or socially.  Only Jesus Can do that. ...

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Quickened Eph. 2:1-8

Eph 2 1-8 Quickened CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You were dead in trespasses and sins.  Now you are quickened, you are alive in Christ.  But you don’t really begin to live until your old man dies.  Many Christians are like a butterfly still stuck in its cocoon.  The quicker you die...

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