What was Jesus Made for Us?

What was Jesus Made for Us (1 Corinthians 1:26-31) In this lesson we are going to look at four things Jesus Christ was made for us. In verse 30 Jesus is said to be made wisdom, righteousness, sanctification, and redemption for us. With these four things we will see that...

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Neglect So Great Salvation Heb. 2:3

Neglect So Great Salvation Heb. 2:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We all tend to neglect things. Some thing s due to ignorance, we just don’t know any better. A child will not brush his teeth unless taught different. With things we don’t like to do, we will  intentionally not do them,...

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New Testament Salvation – The Work of Righteousness

New Testament Salvation – The Work of Righteousness CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In our prior broadcast we studied the work of righteousness in Old Testament salvation.  Some Bible believers teach that salvation in the Old Testament was based upon faith and works; that is a man had to believe in the...

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Tree of Life

Tree of Life Gen. 2:9 The phrase, the tree of life, shows up in the beginning and the end of your Bible. The phrase a tree of life shows up in the middle and has a different meaning. One has to do with eternal life, and the other has to...

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Instruction Prov.4:13 Thank God that He gave us our own copy of Instruction, your King James Bible. We have all the instructions that we need, in writing, to live a wonderful Christian life. How well do you know the instructions? How well do you follow the instructions? Complete the following...

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Righteousness by Faith in Jesus, Rom 10:1-13

Righteousness by Faith in Jesus Rom. 10:1-13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The trouble with Israel is that they don’t believe in Jesus.  Yet Paul’s heart’s desire and prayer to God is that they might be saved.  In Rom 10:1-13 Paul deals with the subject of righteousness by faith in Jesus to...

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Whole Armor of God Eph. 6:10-18

Ephesians 6:10-18 Whole Armor of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Be strong in the Lord v.10 – Ex 13:9 strong hand of the Lord – Ps 71:16 – Jos 14:11 Caleb And in the power of his might v.10 – Lk 9:43 power to cast out devils Eph 1:19-20 power of...

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Putting On The New Man Eph.4:23-29

Ephesians 4:23-29 Putting on the New Man CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  Yesterday we talked about putting off the old man and today about putting on the new man.  This is something you do continually. There is competition between the “old” and “new” all the time. There is a constant battle. Versus....

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