Let Not Sin Reign, Rom 6:12-23

Let Not Sin Reign Rom. 6:12-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 6:12-23 Paul explains why we should not let sin reign in our mortal bodies.  He gives a practical reason, a doctrinal reason and a rational reason.  We will examine each of these reasons why we should not let sin...

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Speaking the Truth in Love

Speaking the Truth in Love Eph. 4:11-15                 As the saying goes “the truth hurts”. So speaking the truth in love is very important. We often times are given the opportunity to do it, yet we either don’t speak or don’t do it in love. The following is a testimony...

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Comparing Abrahams Righteousness to Ours, Rom 4:16-25

Comparing Abrahams Righteousness to Ours Rom. 4:16-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  In the last portion of Rom 4, Paul establishes that righteousness is imputed to us by faith by comparing Abrahams righteousness to ours.  A comparison between the imputed righteousness of Abraham and the imputed righteousness of a New Testament saint...

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Imputed Righteousness, Rom 4:1-15

Imputed Righteousness Rom. 4:1-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO “Abraham believed God, and it was counted unto him for righteousness,” [Rom 4:3].  That is imputed righteousness; righteousness was imputed or accredited to Abraham by faith because he believed God’s promise that his seed would be as the stars of heaven for multitude...

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The Righteousness of God, Rom 3:19

The Righteousness of God Rom. 3:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This lesson is on the righteousness of God by the faith of Jesus Christ without the deeds of the law.  For a Jew to admit that he is not righteous under the law and to then turn to Jesus Christ for...

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Thou Art Called a Jew, Rom 2:17-29

Thou Art Called a Jew Rom 2:17-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul now deals with Jewish pride, hypocrisy and circumcision to show each Jew that he isn’t righteous just because “thou art called a Jew.” Circumcision and a vague knowledge of the law don’t make him righteous.  An uncircumcised Gentile who...

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God’s Righteous Judgment, Rom 2:1-16

God’s Righteous Judgment Rom. 2:1-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The context of this passage is Rom 1:32, “the judgment of God.”  Rom 1:32 says that men KNOW the judgment of God.  They know that “they which commit such things are worthy of death.”  Yet they do them. So, when a...

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Men Who Reject Christ Rom.1:16

Men Who Reject Christ Rom.1:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The trouble with men who reject Christ, whether they reject him before they are saved or whether they reject him after they are saved (like college students talked out of their salvation), is that: They are ashamed of the gospel of Christ...

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The Root of the Matter Job 19:28

The Root of the Matter Job 19:28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In order to find out the real nature of a man you need to look down at the root of the matter. You must see what’s beneath the surface. The root of the matter will tell you what kind of...

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Justified with God Job 25 :4

Justified With God Job 25 :4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Job 25:4, Bildad the Shuhite asked a profound question, How then can man be justified with God?  To be justified with God means that you and God are together in judgment and you are declared “not guilty” before him.  To...

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