Commentary on Romans 9:10-33

Commentary on Romans 9:10-33 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before studying the purpose of God according to election [Rom 9:11] we will make a running commentary on Rom 9:10-33.  Reading through the passage we will comment on what certain of the verses say rather than what they are presumed to say by...

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Paul’s Burden for Israelites, Rom 9:1-9

Paul’s Burden for Israelites Rom. 9:1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul expressed his heavy burden for the Israelites in Rom 9.  He was the apostle to the Gentiles [Gal 2:7] and yet he never lost his burden for the Jews.  The reason is that Jews are not automatically children of God...

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More Than Conquerors, Rom 8:31-39

More Than Conquerors Rom. 8:31-39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  In Rom 8:28 we saw that all things work together for good to them that love God.  In Rom 8:31-39 Paul lists many...

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Intercession and Predestination, Rom 8:26-30

Intercession and Predestination Rom. 8:26-30  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 8:26-30, we will study intercession and predestination, the intercession of the Holy Spirit and the predestination of believers. Intercession – Rom 8:26-28 Rom 8:26 “Likewise,” refers to something before. In Rom 8:22 the whole creation groaneth. In Rom 8:23 even...

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Sons of God, Rom 8:14-25

Sons of God Rom. 8:14- 25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we get saved we become the sons of God [Jn 1:12] through our new birth in Jesus Christ.  Our birth as sons of God involves three things that are discussed in the middle of Rom 8.  These three things are...

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Carnally Minded and Spiritually Minded Christians, Rom 8:1-21

Carnally Minded and Spiritually Minded Christians Romans 8:1-21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 8:1-8 Paul contrasts carnally minded and spiritually minded Christians.  Both are saved but only one pleases God.  We will study this passage by simply explaining the differences between carnally minded and spiritually minded Christians. Spiritually minded Christians...

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Four Laws, Rom 7:14-25

Four Laws Rom. 7:14-25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the latter part of Rom 7 and the first part of Rom 8 we find four laws.  These laws are the law in my members, the law of God, the law of sin and the law of the Spirit.  By studying these...

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Delivered From the Law, Rom 7:1-13

Delivered from the Law Rom. 7:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 7:6 Paul says, Now we are delivered from the law.  For a law abiding Jew, being delivered from the law would be unthinkable.  As we saw in our study of Galatians, Jews were trying to put Gentile Christians back...

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Let Not Sin Reign, Rom 6:12-23

Let Not Sin Reign Rom. 6:12-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 6:12-23 Paul explains why we should not let sin reign in our mortal bodies.  He gives a practical reason, a doctrinal reason and a rational reason.  We will examine each of these reasons why we should not let sin...

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Dead to Sin, Rom 6:1-11

Dead to Sin Rom. 6:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Some men are inclined to preach licentiousness because “where sin abounded, grace did much more abound,” [Rom 5:20].  In Rom 6:1-11, Paul answers the challenge, “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?”  No, because we are dead to sin.  In...

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