Be Thou Clean, Mk 1:40-44

Our text this morning is Mark 1:40-44 about the cleansing of a leper.   Do you like things clean?  Don’t you like a clean house, a clean car, a clean body, clean clothes, and clean speech?  Of course, you do.  God likes things clean, as well.  This leper wanted to...

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Benefits of the Bible, 1 Pet 1:23

Benefits of the Bible 1 Pet.1:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are so many wonderful benefits of the Bible.  When you consider these you understand why we stress reading the Bible so much.  Notice the following benefits of the Bible: Salvation – 1 Pet 1:23 – according to the Bible we...

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The Truth About Rebellion

  The Truth About Rebellion Proverbs 13:13 Proverbs 13:13, speaks of rebellion. Numbers in the Bible have meanings. Thirteen is generally associated with sin and rebellion. The word “rebel” is in thirteen verses in the Bible. Gen. 13:13, speaks of rebellion. Judas Iscariot = 13 letters Mark 3:19 = 13...

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Salvation Series Lesson #1 Introduction

Salvation Series : Lesson 1 Introduction In this series we are going to be discussing the subject of Salvation. This will include many of the doctrines that are associated with Salvation such as spiritual circumcision, eternal security,  baptism of the Holy Spirit, redemption and sanctification just to name a few....

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Get Rid of the Thorns, Gen 3:18

When God made the earth and everything in it, there weren’t any thorns.  But after sin entered the world through Adam’s disobedience, then there were thorns.  And from then till now we have had to deal with thorns.  Nobody that walks through or works in the fields wants thorns.  They...

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The Floods Overflow Me, Ps 69:2

The companion passage to our text in Ps 69:2 is Jer 46:7-8.  We’ll read both passages. In Jer 46:7-8 we see Egypt depicted as a flood determined to flood the earth.  This flood represents the armies of Egypt that have attacked Nebuchadnezzar, trying to destroy Babylon.  Oftentimes in the Bible...

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Prophesied Salvation, 1 Pet 1:10-12

In 1 Pet 1:10-12 we see that the Old Testament prophets prophesied of the salvation that we have.  They prophesied “the grace that should come unto you.”  They “testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow.”  These things were revealed to them but they ministered them...

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Religion Versus Relationship, Acts 17:22-34

In Acts 17:22-34 Paul is preaching on Mars Hill in Athens.  The Athenians were much like we are today.  They “spent their time in nothing else, but either to tell, or to hear some new thing.”  In this passage we find that the mindsets of those who seek God through...

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