Flee From The Wrath To Come, Matt 3:7

When John was baptizing people in Israel he said to the Pharisees and Sadducees, “who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?”  According to Matt 3:7 wrath is coming.  In Matt 3:10-12, God’s wrath is an unquenchable fire.  Wrath is coming because he’s coming. God is a...

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Christ Rose From the Dead, 1 Cor 15:3-22

According to 1 Cor 15:3-22, we know that Christ rose from the dead because of the prophecy of scripture [Acts 2:25-32; Ps 16:8-11] and because of the testimony of his eyewitnesses.   John even saw him in heaven and recorded what he saw in the Book of Revelation.  In spite...

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Your Calling, 2 Tim 1:9

Many Christians say that they want to know what their calling is, what their purpose is.  Unfortunately, it seems that most Christians don’t know.  So, we’re going to look at some verses in the Bible to help you figure out your calling.  In your calling you are: Called to salvation...

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Increase in the Knowledge of God, Col 1:10

How are we to know God, and once we know him, how are we to increase in the knowledge of God?  He will reveal himself through:  Sight – Romans 1:18-28.  One of the first ways that God reveals himself to us is in creation.  “For the invisible things of him...

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Biblical Salvation

Biblical Salvation “the act of saving, or deliverance from destruction” For salvation to be accomplished three things must be present: Something or someone that needs to be saved. (without it’s necessary) Something or someone that can save. (without it’s impossible) A means to connect the two. (By grace, through faith...

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Two Sides to God Rom 11:22

Two Sides to God Rom. 11:22 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul said in Rom 11:22, “Behold therefore the goodness and severity of God…”.  God is both good and severe.  There are, therefore, two sides to God.  Men generally only consider one side or the other.  However, God is balanced.  Notice...

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So Great Salvation Heb 2:3

So Great Salvation Heb. 2:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO So great is our salvation because: So great is our Savior – Titus 2:13 – consider how great Jesus Christ is.  He created the universe.  He has all power.  So great is his humility that he wiling forsook all of his riches...

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Getting High Mk 8:36-37

Getting High Mk 8: 36-37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The sermon is about the vain pursuit of earthly ambition and sensual pleasure contrasted with the fulfillment, contentment and satisfaction of spiritual pursuits. The vain pursuit of earthly ambition and sensual pleasure.  Take the devil for a perfect example.  In Is 14:12-14...

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Defeating Amalek Ex 17:6-16

Defeating Amalek Ex 17: 6-16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Amalek is a type of sin.  In Joshua’s battle with Amalek in Ex 17:8-16, Joshua discomfited Amalek with the edge of the sword.  Israel defeated Amalek.  The picture in this text is the picture of our fight against sin and our need...

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By Faith the Harlot Rahab Heb 11:30-31

By Faith the Harlot Rahab Heb. 11: 30-31 CLICK TITLE FOR ADUIO Everybody in Jericho died the day the walls fell down except for Rahab and her family members who were with her in her house.  The reason that they were spared is that Rahab believed in the Lord.  She said,...

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