No Greater Verse John 3:16

No Greater Verse John 3:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jn 3:16 may not be the greatest verse in the Bible but there is certainly no greater verse concerning the gift of Jesus Christ.  That’s because Jn 3:16 presents us with: No greater God – “God” – there are many gods in...

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Seven Sayings on the Cross Luke 23:37

Seven Sayings on the Cross Luke 23:37 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus spoke seven times while he was on the cross.  The words of our dying Savior help us to understand and appreciate salvation even more than we already do.  They are: Words of forgiveness – Lk 23:34 – no matter...

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Whole Armor of God Eph. 6:10-18

Ephesians 6:10-18 Whole Armor of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Be strong in the Lord v.10 – Ex 13:9 strong hand of the Lord – Ps 71:16 – Jos 14:11 Caleb And in the power of his might v.10 – Lk 9:43 power to cast out devils Eph 1:19-20 power of...

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Balanced Preaching Hosea 6:5

Balanced Preaching Hosea 6:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Bible preaching needs to be balanced preaching.  Preaching needs to be both positive and negative.  There is a heaven but there is also hell.  There is mercy with God but there is also the wrath of God.  There is righteousness but there is...

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Salvation First Then Works Eph.2:7-10

Ephesians 2:7-10 Salvation First Then Works CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Now Paul presents the simplicity of salvation and the results of that salvation both down here and up there. You are saved by grace II Cor 8:9 Phil 2:5-11 Rom 10:4 God knows our condition in sin; so he sent Christ to...

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Against the Knowledge of God II Cor. 10: 3-6

Against the Knowledge of God II Cor. 10: 3-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are imaginations that exalt themselves against the knowledge of God and then you can’t see him or his hand in what you are doing.  You have to know God in your life and in every circumstance of...

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Ye Were Sealed Eph.1:13-14

 Ephesians 1:13-14 Ye Were Sealed CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Before you get saved, there is a process which you generally undergo and our text describes exactly what that is. YOU HAVE TO HEAR THE WORD OF TRUTH. That typically involves: Preaching – I Cor 1:18, 21; II Tim 4:3-4; Rom 10:14 Reading –...

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Salvation brings a change.

Salvation Brings a Change A lesson from Zacchaeus (Luke 19:1-10) In these scripture we see a passage that is very familiar to anyone who as a child went to Sunday school or vacation bible school. In this passage we see a man by the name of Zacchaeus who desires to...

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My Redeemer Liveth Job 19:25-27

My Redeemer Liveth Job 19:25-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A preacher saw a young boy carrying a birdcage with 5 little sparrows in it that he had caught.  He asked the boy what he planned to do with the birds.  The boy said, “I’m just going to mess around with them. ...

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