The Fruit of the Word of God

The Fruit of the Word of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Sunday school we learned that there are five basic categories of fruit in a Christian’s life.  These are: The fruit of a good tree [Matt 7:17] which is fruit yielding works meet for repentance produced by the man. The...

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Great and Precious Promises

Exceeding Great & Precious Promises CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Through Jesus Christ we are given exceeding great and precious promises – we often sing the hymn, “Standing on the Promises” – and truly if we are standing on the promises of God then we are on solid ground – what are...

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The Light of the World

The Light of the World CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What we see about the blind man when he met Jesus, the Light of the world, is his: Blindness – v.1 – his blindness was upon him not because of sin but to reveal the works of Jesus, the light of the...

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” Them that are without”

“Them that are without” Eph.2:8-13      This passage talks of two groups of people: those who are in Christ Jesus, saved and those who are without Christ, without hope, and without God in the world, lost. In this lesson we want to explore our responsibilities as Christians to “them that...

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The Ministry of Reconciliation

The Ministry of Reconciliation II Cor. 5:17-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Reconciliation is a matter of the Lord not imputing to us out trespasses against him.  Before we were saved, we were enemies, ungodly and sinners, Rom 5:6-10.  God reconciled us to him through the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. ...

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Christian Growth II

Christian Growth II Spirit, Soul & Body CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is the second in a series on Christian Growth.  In this lesson, you will learn about your spirit, soul and body, which will help you to understand what happened to you the moment you were saved. In Gen 1:26, God...

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Isaiah 26:17-19 Salvation and Resurrection of Israel

Salvation and Resurrection of Israel Isaiah 26:17-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Last week we taught the basic outline of a moderate dispensational view of Bible prophecy.  This week, as we study this passage, we will build on this dispensational view which will help us understand the doctrinal application of Isaiah 26...

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Forgiveness Luke 23:34      To forgive is simply to pardon, or to overlook an offence by another and treat the offender as not guilty. God was the first to forgive and is the best example for us to follow. In this lesson we will look at four different areas of...

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Hindrances to Salvation

 Hindrances to Salvation Acts 26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO More and more of us are witnessing to people as a result of Fishers of Men, Teen Connection and spiritual growth.  And as you witness, you find many people who are not receptive to salvation for one reason or another.  We’re going...

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