The Powerful Word of God

God’s Word is Powerful CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The powerful word of God shows us that evolution is utterly contrary to the words of God. Evolution goes like this: BANG!  Then chaos.  Then order. God’s words go like this: Order. Then chaos.  Then BANG! Pastor Bevans Welder

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Can you lose your salvation?

No, once you have trusted the Lord Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you cannot lose your salvation. We realize that there are verses in the Bible that clearly support this answer and that there are other verses that seem to teach otherwise. So, we’ll look at what actually happens when...

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Was I really saved back then?

If you really received Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you were. In the ministry, we have come across at least one hundred cases where people are confused as to when they really got saved. When they were younger, they prayed a prayer and they thought they were saved. Perhaps this...

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Tribulation Salvation

Concerning tribulation salvation, can people be saved in the tribulation?  Yes. This question addresses tribulation salvation.  There are a number of preachers today preaching that if you don’t get saved before the rapture, then there is no chance for you to get saved in the tribulation.  There is good reason...

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How can I know that I’m saved?

By the book! Getting saved is easy. It is simply a matter of believing what Jesus Christ said and believing what he has done for you. When Christ came to the earth, he led a perfect, sinless life. Then, he died on the cross and resurrected from the dead. His...

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Assurance of Salvation

Can I be sure that I will go to heaven?  Truthfully there are only two answers to the question.  The question is answered either “YES” or “NO“. You either know for sure or you don’t.  Now, how are you going to answer the question?  Do you know for sure?  This...

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Explain 1 John 3:6-9

What is so hard when you first read the verses which are the subject of this question is that you know you still sin after you get saved.  Paul, one of the best Christians, by far, said, “For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no...

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A New Child of God

A new convert needs to know, as soon as possible, just what happened to him when he got saved.  Generally, all he knows initially is that his sins have been washed away, he has been spared from hell and that Jesus is now on the inside of him.  While these...

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