Is He Lost or Backslidden?

Many professing Christians are troubled today by a life of sin. As a result, they doubt whether they are even saved. This is particularly troubling when you see family members or friends that you have “lead to the Lord” who show no evidence that they are saved. What is the...

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What about Soul Winning Programs?

We get questions from time to time about salvation and the questions address a common problem. Soul winners aren’t sure when they can put another stripe on their sleeves and testify to their friends that they “have led another soul to Christ.” Truthfully, the intimidating thing about soul winning is...

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Genesis 15 Abram’s Salvation

  In this lesson, we will study the righteousness that was imputed to Abram because he believed God, the promise that Abram’s seed would be afflicted, and the promise and timing of the land grant.     Abram’s Salvation God promised Abram a seed that would come forth from his...

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Genesis 1:20-23 Water of Life

Genesis 1:20-23 Water of Life CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO WATER – THE SOURCE OF PHYSICAL LIFE On the fifth day, the water gives life to the fish and the fowls. This clearly shows that water is the source of physical life (Eze. 47: 8,9). Just measure the water content of the...

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