Repentance and Salvation, 2 Pet 3:9

Repentance and Salvation 2 Pet. 3:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is repentance necessary for salvation?  Yes.  There is no question that the Lord demands repentance.  In 2 Peter 3:9, we find that the Lord “is longsuffering to us-ward, not willing to any should perish, but that all should come to repentance.” ...

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Lazarus, Jn 11:39-44

Lazarus Jn 11:39-44 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Lazarus is an excellent type of a lost man who gets saved.  We see conversion in him and his resurrection.  Notice how salvation is seen in Lazarus as Jesus brings him from death to life. He was dead – Jn 11:39 – before you...

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In Phile 10-19 we see a great testimony of Onesimus’s salvation and Paul’s wonderful care for him.  Onesimus was the servant of Philemon, who evidently departed from him under adverse circumstances.  He left with a bad testimony as an unprofitable servant who was also indeted to his master. Onesimus didn’t...

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Your Thoughts And Ways, Is 55:7-9

Is 55:8-9 says that God’s thoughts and man’s thoughts are not the same.  The Lord said, “my thoughts are not your thoughts”.  He said, “my thoughts (are higher) than your thoughts”.  And he said, “neither ore your ways my way”.  Today, we’re going to talk about your thoughts and ways....

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Jesus Rose From the Dead, 1 Cor 15:12-22

Easter Sunday is the day people celebrate the resurrection of Jesus.  So, today we are going to discuss the resurrection.  Because Jesus rose from the dead: You can trust Jesus to save you.   Save us from our sins.  Save us from hell. You can live his life in you. ...

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The Bread of Life, Jn 6:35-63

The Bread of Life Jn. 6:35-63 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are many who are confused about eating the bread of life.  They believe that eating the Eucharist is receiving Jesus Christ.  This confusion arises from a misunderstanding of Jn 6:35-63.  So, we will study this passage to clear up...

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Perpetual Backsliding, Jer 8:5

Perpetual Backsliding Jer. 8:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Perpetual backsliding is a phrase used to describe Judah’s condition during the ministry of Jeremiah.  This is a condition in which the country had gotten so far away from God there was no turning back to him.  The Lord said that they held...

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Your Health, Ps 67:2

Your Health Ps 67:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Many Christians are concerned about their health.  And that’s good.  However, this has led many to follow the health fads that have swept the country in an effort to enjoy better health.  But you have to remember that we are all made very...

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The God of Salvation, 1 Chr 16:34-36

The God of Salvation 1 Chron. 16:34-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the last part of the psalm that we have been studying in 1 Chr 16, David refers to the Lord as the God of our salvation.  Truly the Lord is the God of salvation.  In particular, he is the...

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Our Guide Even Unto Death, Ps 48:14

Death is inevitable.  It came as a consequence of Adam’s sin and has been passed down to all of us.  None can escape it.  And death won’t be destroyed until after the millennial reign of Jesus Christ.  1 Cor 15:25-26, “For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies...

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