Rejoicing in Hope, Rom 12:12

Rejoicing in Hope Rom. 12:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 12:12 Paul said that we should be rejoicing in hope. When you lose hope, you will sink in despair.  So, today we will see where you find hope so that you can be rejoicing in hope and not wallowing in...

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Jesus is the Door, Jn 10:7-9

Jesus is the Door Jn 10:7-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often you will find metaphors used in the Bible.  For instance, we are likened to sheep.  Jesus is likened to a shepherd.  In Jn 10:7-9 Jesus is the door.  Interestingly, we can look through the Bible and find references to doors...

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Rahab’s Faith, Heb 11:31

This sermon is about Rahab’s faith mentioned in Heb 11:31 and demonstrated in Jos 2.  When the spies came to Jericho they ended up in Rahab’s house.  When the king sent word for her to bring them forth to him, she hid them instead.  And then she sent his pursuers...

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Being Accountable to God

Being Accountable to God In this lesson we are going to be discussing what some people refer to as the age of accountability. The reason we are not using the term age of accountability is because it can be confusing. It makes one think that there is a specific age...

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Baby Steps, Acts 3:1-10

Baby Steps Acts 3:1-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The scene is afternoon prayer outside the Temple in Jerusalem.  Laying there at the Beautiful gate is a lame man.  He’s been lame from his mother’s womb.  He reminds me of a lost man [lost because of his natural birth] hanging around church....

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The Benefits of Affliction, Ps 119

The Benefits of Affliction Ps. 119 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Benefits of Affliction are seen in Ps 119.  Often in affliction we only see the suffering and trouble.  Look for the benefits. Affliction can lead you to salvation through God’s words – Psalm 119:107 – I am afflicted very much:...

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Doctrines of Salvation Study Lesson #1 Righteousness

Doctrines of Salvation Study Lesson #1 Righteousness We begin our study of Doctrines connected with Salvation by looking at the word righteousness. We will use the word righteous instead of saved because the word saved can make it hard for us to understand how God dealt differently with people during...

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Eternally Secure In Christ, Eph 2:6

Eternal security is a doctrine of the New Testament that is often misunderstood.  For Baptists, it is generally taught as “once saved, always saved”.  However, most Baptists don’t know why they believe we are eternally secure.  Most denominational and non-denominational churches, on the other hand, don’t believe in eternal security. ...

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My Heart is Fixed, Ps 108:1

“O God, my heart is fixed,” David sang and praised the Lord.  His heart was truly fixed.  When you are saved, you can sing with David, My heart is fixed: In the sense that it has been fixed permanently (like color is fixed in dyeing).  When you receive Jesus Christ...

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Cursed is the Ground, Gen 3:17

Cursed is the Ground Gen. 3:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Gen 3:17 God said cursed is the ground as a result of Adam’s disobedience.  According to Rom 8:19-22 even the creatures are in the bondage of corruption. The whole creation groans and travails in pain.  Everything dies or is...

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