Did Samuel Come Up? 1 Sam 28:7-20

Did Samuel Come Up? 1 Sam. 28: 7-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Several people have asked, over the years, whether the woman with the familiar spirit in 1 Sam 28:7-20 really called up Samuel.  Most of them believe that Samuel didn’t really come up, but rather that the voice of the...

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Guiding Principles in Positions of Authority, 1 Sam 12:3

1 Sam 12:1-5 Guiding Principles in Positions of Authority CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 12:1-5, Samuel asked Israel to witness against him if he had abused his office before them in any way.  He asked several questions that reveal his guiding principles in his position of authority. He...

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It Is The Lord, 1 Sam 12:6-13

1 Samuel 12:6-13 It Is The Lord CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Sam 6:6-13, Israel essentially rejected the Lord when they demanded a king, and by doing so missed the fact that all the time since they had been a nation “it is the Lord” that had been taking care...

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The Word of God

1 Sam 3:1-21 The Word of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 1 Sam 3 is one of the great chapters in the Bible on the word of God.  In this chapter we see a number of things concerning the word of God that are very instructive to us today. The...

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The Lord Was With Him, Gen 39:3

The Lord Was With Him Gen. 39:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the Bible you find the expression, the Lord was with him, in conjunction with several notable men.  We are going to study these men to see why the Lord was with them and how the Lord being with them...

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Who Shaped Samuel’s Prayer Life, Jer 15:1

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Samuel was one of the greatest intercessors for Israel.  He is mentioned with Moses in Jer 15:1.  They were the two greatest intercessors Israel ever had.  And we know that his prayers were effectual because 1 Sam 7:9 says “the...

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How Samuel Knew the Lord, 1 Sam 3:1-21

This message is particularly helpful for our youth but it is appropriate for anyone who is young in the Lord.  In 1 Sam 3:1-21, in the life of Samuel, we see a great example of how to get to know the Lord.  Look at Samuel’s life from his childhood to...

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The Word of Samuel

1 Sam 4:1 The Word of Samuel CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We’re studying the first sentence of 1 Sam 4.  This little understated sentence in 1 Sam 4:1 is one of the most profound statements ever made about a man.  The Bible says, “And the word of Samuel came to all...

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Five of the Greatest Men in the Bible Ezek.14:14

Five of the Greatest Men in the Bible Ezek. 14:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ezek 14:14 and in Jer 15:1 you read about five of the greatest men in the Bible.  They are Noah, Daniel, Job, Moses and Samuel.  They were great because of their righteousness and because of their...

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