Benefits of Forgiveness, Col 3:13

Benefits of Forgiveness  The benefits of forgiveness are clearly stated in the Bible.  Forgiveness affects you and the person you forgive.  Plus, there are great spiritual blessings, as well.  There are several reasons why you might not have forgiven someone who has hurt you.  It can be difficult to forgive. ...

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When Satan Attacks, 1 Pet 5:8

When Satan Attacks 1 Pet 5: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the devil is a roaring lion… seeking whom he may devour [1 Pet 5:8].  He patiently waits for optimum times to attack.  Here are some of the more obvious times when you can expect the devil...

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Satan’s Hidden Influence Lesson #2 : Satan and gods

Satan’s Hidden Influence Lesson #2 Satan and gods In the previous lesson we saw that Satan in his original position was the anointed cherub that covereth and that the cherub was connected with an ox or calf. When we go through the word of God we find many references to...

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Satan’s Hidden Influence : Introduction

Satan’s Hidden Influence Introduction The purpose of this series is to show many of the different ways in which Satan influences the things of this world from a behind the scenes standpoint. In this introduction lesson we will show how Satan is the God of this world and also how...

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Paul’s Ministry to the Gentiles

Acts 26:16-18 Introduction: In this passage of scripture Paul is going through his conversion experience before king Agrippa. Paul explains how he is to be a minister and a witness for God to the people and Gentiles. Paul then is given five specific things in verse 18, that his ministry...

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What Our Adversary Causes Us To Do

What Our Adversary Causes Us To Do 1 Samuel 1:1-19 In this passage there is a man named Elkanah who has two wives. The wives names are Peninnah and Hannah. Peninnah has several children and Hannah has none. Elkanah is a godly man and goes to Shiloh to worship every...

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Keeping the Devil Out, 1 Pet 5:8-9

Keeping the Devil Out 1 Pet 5:8-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the two prior broadcasts, we discussed possession by the devil and getting the devil out.  Today we are going to discuss keeping the devil out.  These are precautions that can help you keep the devil from influencing and controlling...

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Get the Devil Out, Acts 26:18

Get the Devil Out Acts 26:18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In the prior broadcast we saw that Christians could be possessed with the devil.  Today, we’ll see how to get the devil out.  And tomorrow we’ll see how to keep him out.  To get the Devil out of your life: Get...

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