Satan Was Listening, Are You?

Satan Was Listening Are You? Luke 4:1-13 In the passage before us Satan tempted the Lord Jesus Christ three different times. In all three cases Jesus defeated Satan by quoting a passage of scripture. But if we look closely to the words that Jesus quoted we can see an interesting...

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Bear With Me, 2 Cor 11:1-33

Paul wanted the Corinthians to bear with him through some boasting.  They might well bear with [meaning “in all likelihood they would bear with”] a fellow preaching false doctrine [2 Cor 11:4], so they should certainly bear with Paul.  He wanted them to bear with him: Being jealous over them...

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Giving Satan an Advantage, Part II, 2 Cor 2:11

In Part I of this lesson, we saw that from the moment we are saved, we are in a battle with Satan.  He is our adversary [1 Pet 5:8].  God gives us his whole armor to protect us in this battle [Eph 6:10-18].  However, according to 2 Cor 2:11, there...

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Giving Satan an Advantage, Part I, 2 Cor 2:11

Satan is a vicious, clever enemy.  Nevertheless, Jesus successfully defended himself against the temptations of the devil [Matt 4:1-11], cast him out of every person he possessed, who came to Jesus for healing [Acts 10:38], spoiled him and openly triumphed over him on the cross [Col 2:15], and will destroy...

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Satan Cast Out Ezek. 28:16

Satan Cast Out Ezek. 28:16 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Originally, the devil was the anointed cherub that covereth [Ezek 28:14].  To see what he covered we need to look back to Ezek 1 and 10.  According to Ezek 1:4-10, there were four creatures that appeared by the river of Chebar.  Above...

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What Hath God Done, Col 1:13-15

What Hath God Done Colossians 2:13-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you received Christ, you were given many promises of what God is going to do in your life.  But remarkably, while the future is indeed glorious, there are a lot of wonderful things the Lord has already accomplished for you. ...

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What happens when Satan is in control?

What happens when Satan is in Control? Luke 22:1-6 In this lesson we are going to look at what happened when Satan entered into Judas and he betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ. In this lesson we will not be referring to a person being demon possessed but we will be...

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