Three Temptations Matt. 4:1-11

Three Temptations Matt. 4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the three temptations of man are the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes and the pride of life [1 Jn 2:16].  These are the three temptations that the devil used against Jesus in the wilderness in Matt...

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Final Remarks, Rom 16:17-27

Final Remarks Rom. 16:17-27 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Paul’s final remarks to the Romans Paul makes some profound statements that we must study.  This passage is hard to outline so we will just teach it verse by verse. Divisions and Offenses – Rom 16:17-18 – many men teach doctrinal error. ...

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God’s Divine Hedge of Protection

God’s Divine Hedge of Protection “This present evil world” [Gal.1:4]     Controlled by Satan     [Jn.14:30] prince of this world [2 Cor.4:4] god of this world [Eph.2:2] prince of the power of the air Satan’s Objectives   [Jn.10:10] to steal, kill and destroy, [1 Pet.5:8] devour, [Rev.12:9] deceiver So, how do we possibly...

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Satan’s Devices II Cor. 2:11

Satan’s Devices II Cor. 2:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When our soldiers fought in WWII one of the problems with the infantry is that we didn’t train them to understand the enemy and his tactics. There was too much training on discipline, close-order drills, inspections and the like.  Those are not...

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Walls of a Godly Home: #3 Renew Your Mind

Romans 12:2 Knowledge has consequences.  Information is influential.  It will affect your attitude (Ecclesiastes 1:8) and it will affect your behavior (Proverbs 23:7). Conformed to this world… The American Cancer Society collected statistics of children with cancer in homes of smokers.  In homes where one parent smoked children were twice...

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Son of Perdition, Jn 17:12

The Son of Perdition John 17:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Son of Perdition mentioned in this verse is obviously Judas Iscariot.  The notes below are not a transcript of this message but show you some of the verses to which we refer in the audio. Having previously referred to Judas...

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Enemies of the Gospel 1 Thes. 2:14-19

Enemies of the Gospel CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Thes 2:14-19, Paul commended the Thessalonians because they were suffering in their country the same way the saints were suffering in Judea [v.14].  The suffering resulted from the reproach that saints endure from the enemies of the cross [2 Thes 1:3-6;...

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KING of Kings Rev.20:1-10

The Devil Chained, The Saints Reign Revelation 20:1-10  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this chapter we find three main things, two of which we will study today.  We find the chaining of the devil for a thousand years and we find the rule of the Lord Jesus Christ and his...

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The Great Red Dragon Rev. 12:9

The Great Dragon Revelation 12:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This passage, taught by Randy Knupple, shows us some of the characteristics of the great red dragon who is the devil and Satan.

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