Matthews 24:42-51 Preparations for the Lord’s Return

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS LESSON Jesus tells his disciples how to prepare for the Lord’s return. These verses apply doctrinally to tribulation saints, not to church age saints. Be Watchful – v. 42 The saints in the tribulation have to be looking for the Lord’s return to see him when...

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Matthew 24:29-35 The Second Coming

The Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is a very obvious event when it finally occurs because everyone in the world will be able to see him. Now there are many details of the Second Advent that are revealed in this text. The Coming of the Son of Man...

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Matthew 24:7-12 More Events before the End

In the last lesson, we saw that before the Second Coming of Jesus, there will be an increase in disastrous events worldwide. The things that we studied in the last lesson were deception, wars and rumors of wars, national disintegration and natural disasters. In addition to the earthquakes that we...

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Matthew 24:4-7 Some Events before the End

Matt 24 4-12 Some Events before the End CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In our last lesson, we saw that the “end of the world” is the Second Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ. And as we approach the end and the time of Jesus’ return, we are seeing an increase...

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The End of the World, Matt 24:1-3

In this lesson on Matt 24:1-3, the main topic we will discuss is “the end of the world.” In Matt 24:1-2, the disciples were marveling at the beautiful sight of the temple and the buildings of the temple.  You might imagine them acting like tourists with a tour guide beholding...

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Genesis 45:12-28 Gentiles caring for Jews

Genesis 45:16-28 Gentiles caring for Jews CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Immediately upon the revelation of Jesus Christ at the Second Advent, the Jews will be helped by some of the Gentiles.  In this passage of scripture, we see some of the ways that the Gentiles will help the Jews.  Pharaoh,...

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