Isaiah 33:1-12 Spoiling the Spoiler

In Isaiah 33:1-12, the Lord gives more details about the Second Coming of Jesus.  He concentrates this prophecy on spoiling the spoiler of Israel [v.1-4], on the spiritual qualities that fill Zion after the Lord is exalted [v.5-6], on the devastation following the broken “peace” agreement with Israel [v.7-9], and on the...

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Isaiah 32:9-20 The Women That Are At Ease

The Women That Are At Ease Is. 32:9-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In summary, this prophecy is preached to the women that are at ease; to careless women.  These women are the ones accustomed to a life of “luxury” and ease.  They are spoiled by their bountiful harvests of grapes, wheat,...

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Isaiah 32:1-8 A King Shall Reign in Righteousness

A King Shall Reign In Righteousness Is. 32 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah 32:1-8 describes the changes that take place among men when Jesus returns to the earth for his millennial reign.  Like the text says, a king shall reign in righteousness. When Jesus returns: Jesus will be king –...

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Isaiah 31:1-9 The Lord Defends Jerusalem

The Lord Defends Jerusalem Is. 31 1-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah 31 is a short chapter that explains what happens when the Lord defends Jerusalem.  It shows you why the Lord has to return and what he does when he gets here.  It will be easier for us to build a...

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Preparations for Jesus Return

Preparations for Jesus Return Titus 2 13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO What should we be doing in anticipation of or in preparation for Jesus Return?  To prepare for Jesus return we should be: Looking for Him – Tit 2:13 – these days everyone is looking for the Tribulation and the antichrist and...

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Isaiah 30:18-26 Wait On The Lord

Wait on the Lord Is.30: 18-26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Isaiah says in Is 30:18, “… blessed are all they that wait for him.”  To wait on the Lord can be a difficult thing when you are impetuous or disobedient.  When you are impetuous you want the favorable result of God’s will...

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Four Things Too Wonderful For Me Prov. 30: 18-20

Four Things To Wonderful For Me Prov. 30: 18-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Prov 30:18-20 Solomon describes four things too wonderful for me.  They are an eagle, a ship, a serpent and a man with a maid.  We will discuss the wonder of these four things and then examine their...

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The Coming Generation Prov. 30: 11-17

The Coming Generation Prov. 30:11-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Solomon describes the coming generation in Prov 30:11-17.  This is the generation of the antichrist.  Solomon spells out their identifying characteristics in detail. They will: Curse their parents – Prov 30:11 – see Matt 15:4; 1 Tim 1:9; Is 3:12. Reject the...

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Parable of the Pounds

Parable of the Pounds Luke 19 11-12. CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus used this parable of the pounds to preach a truth about his coming kingdom and about what you and I should be doing with our time while we are here on this earth. The context of this parable is...

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