Looking for Open Doors II Cor. 2:12

Looking for Open Doors II Cor. 2:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Text 2 Cor 2:12. During our missions conference, you heard several of the missionaries say that God had opened a door for them to go to a certain field to preach the gospel.  Following our missions conference, I am aware...

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First Things First

First Things First Matt.6:33-34 First things first. You will do whatever you put first in your life. Usually we will put things that are fun, easy or profitable first in our life. We usually put unpleasant, hard or things that cost us last. God states clearly what He thinks should...

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Do It With Thy Might Ecc. 9:10

Do It With Thy Might Ecc. 9:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Everyone here has something that you have decided you are going to do one day.  It is something that you really need to do and yet you have been putting it off.  Well, it is time to get going on...

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