Example of Timothy, 2 Tim 3:15

Example of Timothy I was asked by a fellow in Australia why there were not more young people going to the mission field and staying when they got there. We can probably answer that question best by studying the example of Timothy. Upbringing – 2 Tim 3:15.  “From a child...

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Love Hate Relationships, 1 Sam 16:21

Love Hate Relationships 1 Sam. 16: 21 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You have heard the expression, “they have a love hate relationship.”  Well, the truth of the matter is, as you know, a person either loves or hates the other person.  He doesn’t have both of these feelings at the same...

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Inheritance Prerequisites, Eph 1:11

Your Salvation and Inheritance Eph. 1:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Inheritance Prerequisites. This broadcast is about inheritance prerequisites.  That is, what we do and don’t do after we believe in Jesus con affect whether we receive some of our future inheritance.   In Eph 1:11 we see that, once Jesus...

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Therefore Will We Also Serve The Lord, Jos 24:14-18

Before the end of Joshua’s ministry, in Jos 24:14-18, he challenged the people of Israel to choose whom they would serve.  He said, “as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”  He made a conscious choice to serve the Lord.  The people were adamant in their reply,...

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Happy Are Ye If Ye Do Them, Jn 13:17

In Jn 13:17 Jesus said, “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”  “These things” that he wanted them to know are found in the context.  The context is Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, among whom was Judas Iscariot, Jn 13:2, 10-11, 21.  He...

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Happy Are Thy Men, 1 Ki 10:7-8

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In 1 Ki 10, the queen of Sheba visited Solomon because she had heard of his fame concerning the name of the Lord, 1 Ki 10:1.  When she saw his grandeur, “there was no more spirit in her,” 1 Ki...

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Give Me Thy Son 1 Kings 17:18

Give Me Thy Son CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO After the drought, for which Elijah prayed, the son of the widow who took care of him died.  When he did, she got mad at Elijah for calling her sin to remembrance and slaying her son [1 Ki 17:18].   The heart of this...

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Called to Serve Jn.12:24-26

Called to Serve Jn.12:24-26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Jn 12:24-26 when we are called serve the Lord Jesus, we must follow him.  We must hate our lives in this world to be able to serve God fully.  Jesus did [Matt 4:10].  Anna did [Lk 2:37]. And our service to...

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