Freedom From Sin, Jn 8:33-36

Freedom From Sin Jn 8: 33-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Your Freedom From Sin When people get saved, some experience an immediate deliverance from sins, like drugs and alcohol. Others experience a hard fought victory over sins.  They both have freedom from sin. So, why the difference? When you are...

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What Does Sin Cost (Part 1)

What does sin Cost (Part 1)  Romans 6:14-23 The passage we are using in this lesson deals with a saved person. The issue that Paul is discussing is sin in the life of the saved person. This lesson will have two parts and in the second part we will address...

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Things You Must Acknowledge, 1 Jn 2:23

Things You Must Acknowledge 1 Jn 2:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Acknowledge means to admit to be true, to confess; to recognize the authority of.   There are things in our lives that we must acknowledge if we are going to accomplish what God wants us to do as Christians. Acknowledge...

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Leprosy, Lesions and Leaven, Lev 13

Leprosy Lesions Leaven Lev. 13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Sin, false doctrine and Biblical error are likened to leprosy, lesions [cancers] and leaven in the Bible.  They all spread and affect surrounding cells. Leprosy – Lev 13-14 – leprosy typifies sin. Leprosy and sin start small [Lev 13:2]. There is a...

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God Hates Sin, Loves Sinners? Ps 5:5

Does God Hate Sin, Love Sinners Ps 5:5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Is it true that God hates sin and loves sinners?  Or does he hate the sinner, too?  This is an unpopular question to answer because of the Biblical truth. The question is a good one that has been asked...

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Making Decisions, Prov 4:23

Making Decisions Prov. 4:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Here are some considerations to help you when you are making decisions.  Remember that your heart makes your decisions; not your mind.  Your heart is revealed in your decisions.  So, you must keep your heart with all diligence.  The heart can be...

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The Long Term Consequences of Sin, Gal 6:8

The Long Term Consequences of Sin Gal 6:8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You need to be able to see the long term consequences of sin.  You need to look beyond the immediate pleasure and you also need to look beyond the immediate consequences [like a hangover].  You need to look all...

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