Confession of Sin, 1 Jn 1:9

Confession of Sin 1 Jn. 1:9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today’s message is on confession of sin.  What is confession?  Confession is admission, acknowledgement [as in the acknowledgement and confession of sin – Ps 32:5; and the acknowledgement of the truth – 2 Tim 2:25]; to confess is to concede...

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Under the Blood, Ps 32:1

Under the Blood Ps. 32:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We had a question from a radio listener that we decided to answer in this broadcast.  The question concerns sins that are “under the blood.”  Here’s the question:“Thought maybe you could help answer a question that came up recently while having a...

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Sin Personified, Prov 5:3-5

Sin Personified Prov. 5:3-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon outline comes from notes I took on a sermon I heard Pastor Rick Sowell preach 25 years ago.  The strange woman in Prov 5:3-5 is a good picture of sin.  She is sin personified.  This woman is very deceptive.  What you...

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Sin After Salvation, Rom 6:1

In Rom 6:1, Paul wrote, “Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?” In Rom 6:2, he answered, “God forbid”.  John wrote in 1 Jn 2:1 “that ye sin not”. Though we will not be sinless till we are in our glorified bodies, what are to do with sin...

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The Next Step, 1 Sam 20:3

The Next Step 1 Sam 20:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO David said, “There is but a step between me and death.”  It’s what you do with the next step that will determine the course of action you take or the outcome of the decisions you make.  The next step is crucial. ...

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Don’t Choose Sin as the Remedy, Eph 4:26

Don’t Choose Sin as the Remedy Eph. 4:26 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Eph 4:26 Paul says, “Be ye angry, and sin not.”  So there is an allowance for anger.  The point is that at times anger is an appropriate response to something wrong.  Look at Jesus in Mark 3:5.  He...

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There is a Snare, Prov 29:6

Prov 29:6 says, “In the transgression of an evil man there is a snare.”  You want to be very certain to stay away from transgression because of the snares.  In transgression: Evil men snare you – Prov 1:10-18 – men will entice you to join them in sin.  But the...

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Sin Lieth at the Door, Gen 4:7

Sin Lieth at the Door Gen. 4:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this passage, sin is personified – sin lieth at the door – he is like a booger man lying in wait outside of your door to pounce on you when you come out – he is your living enemy...

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Something to Hide, Gen 3:7-10

When you have something to hide you do things to conceal the truth.  The funny thing is that when you do these things you are unknowingly revealing that you have something to hide.  You are “giving away” your guilt.   You can’t hide from God.  So, today we are going to...

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Don’t Mock, Gal 6:7-8

Don’t Mock Gal 6: 7-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are several references in the Bible to mocking, some of which we’ll discuss in this sermon.  To mock someone or something is to laugh at, ridicule and insult them or it contemptuously.   Don’t mock God – Gal 6:7-8 – some...

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