Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening, Jn 10:10

Why Do Bad Things Keep Happening Jn. 10:10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are often asked why God allows evil in the world.  Why do bad things keep happening?  A radio listener called last week and asked, “Why does Jesus allow all the beheading and baby killing to go on?”  These...

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In a Dark Place, Jn 3:19-20

In a Dark Place Jn 3:19-20 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Have you ever heard the expression, He’s in a dark place?  It is often used to describe someone whose behavior is evil or who has withdrawn and is so depressed that he could be considered suicidal or something like that.  Well,...

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The Servants of Corruption, 2 Pet 2:19

The Servants of Corruption 2 Pet. 2:19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Today, we find people touting all kinds of liberties both in society and in church – these are basically liberties to sin – the people flaunting their liberty to commit these sins want you to think that they are free...

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A Contrite Heart, Ps 51:17

Hearts Lacking Contrition You may wonder why the Lord deals so harshly with some people and not as much with others.  For instance, David’s sins required capital punishment, yet the Lord spared him.  The reason is that David had a contrite heart, Ps 51:17. Look in Acts 8:9-24 . Why...

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Repentance Salvation and Sin

Repentance and a Willingness to Give Up Sin 1 Cor. 15: 3-4 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO of Repentance Salvation and Sin. We received the following email from one of our listeners.  “Hello, I have a question concerning Repentance. What if a person truly realizes he is on his way to hell...

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Examine Yourselves, 2 Cor 13:5

2 Cor 13:5 says, Examine yourselves.  This is something we all do to an extent.  For example, a lady will examine herself in front of a mirror to make sure her hair, makeup, and dress are right.  This is why the ladies room has a full length mirror in it....

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Dead in Trespasses and Sins

Dead in Trespasses and Sins Eph.2:1 Dead in trespasses and sins is the state of man without Jesus Christ. The Ephesians have Jesus Christ. How does a person get in this dead state? What is the definition of quickened? What is the definition of quickened? Your King James Bible will...

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The Soul That Sinneth, Ezek 18:1-32

The Soul That Sinneth, It Shall Die Ezek 18 is about personal accountability to God.  Ezek 18:4 says, “the soul that sinneth, it shall die”.  In other words, each man in Israel was judged on the merits of his own righteousness or his own wickedness.  He would not die for...

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Jesus Sent a Sword, Matt 10:34

Jesus Sent a Sword In Matt 10:34, Jesus said that he didn’t come to send peace on earth. Jesus sent a sword, instead.  A sword is for cutting things, not mending them in peaceful reconciliation. The sharp two-edged sword of the word of God, in Heb 4:12, divides things asunder...

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