Why We Sing the Hymns

Why We Sing The Hymns Colossians 3:16 In church services today many have chosen to replace the Hymns with other types of songs. In Colossians 3:16 we are told to sing Psalms, Hymns and Spiritual Songs. In this lesson we are going to look at what makes something a good...

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Why We Sing, Col 3:16

The reason why we sing is that, in Col 3:16 and Eph 5:19, the Lord told us to sing. God’s creation started with singing. In Job 38:4-7 the morning stars sang together.  The nation of Israel sang their great song of deliverance in Ex 15 after God drowned Pharaoh and...

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God Extended Mercy Unto Us, Ezra 9:9

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Ezra 9:9 is a good picture of what we are to do after we get saved or after we get right with God following a big detour into sin.  Before we were saved or while we were on the detour,...

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The Word of Christ and Singing, Col 3:16

In Col 3:16, Paul wrote about the word of Christ and singing.  In this verse, he gave us clear instructions on what to do with both of these.  What to do with: The word of Christ – notice that Paul wrote “the word of Christ.”  In the Godhead, Jesus Christ...

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Seven Elements of Christian Character, Eph 5:15-21

There are seven key elements of Christian character found in Eph 5:15-21.  These are not all the qualities of Christian character.  But these are certainly seven of the most essential. If you are missing any of these in your life, you are going to struggle in some areas of your...

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Sing A New Song, Ps 149:1

Before we were saved, our old songs were about carnal love, rebellion, drinking, getting high, surfing, losing lovers, trains, dogs, etc.  After getting saved we started singing new songs in church.  These are congregational songs according to Ps 149:1.  When you run the references to “new song” in the Bible,...

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Manifestations of Spiritual Joy, Prov 15:13

Spiritual joy is not an emotion like natural joy.  As we saw in last week’s study, natural joy is the feeling derived from some pleasure, delight, success, accomplishment, etc.  Spiritual joy, on the other hand, is derived from the Lord.   However, as natural joy is manifested in your feelings...

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Singing, Col 3:16

Singing Colossians 3:16  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Singing is a significant part of worship.  It enhances the preaching and prepares the heart to hear and receive the word of God. Why to Sing The devil despises the preaching of God’s word and tries to disrupt it.  By singing, the people...

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Praise the Lord Ps. 111:1

Praise the Lord Ps. 111:1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we get together we are to praise the Lord in the congregation.  Many churches have turned praising the Lord into a concert.  Contrasted to that movement in modern churches, what does the Bible say about how are we to praise the...

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