The Feet of Grasshoppers, Lev 11:20-23

The Legs of Grasshoppers Lev. 11:20-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The question of how many feet grasshoppers have concerns Lev 11:20-23.  The question is raised by skeptics who do not believe that the Bible is scientifically accurate and inerrant.  In fact, with a little study, it can be seen that the...

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People You Will Meet in Hell, Lk 16:23

People You Will Meet in Hell Lk 16:23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The fact that you are listening to this radio broadcast today is really not an accident.  If you are saved, this sermon is a stark reminder to you that people who refuse to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ...

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Why People Reject the Gospel Gal. 2:12

  Why People Reject the Gospel Gal. 2:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are praying for our friends and family to get saved and it will be helpful for us to understand some of the main reasons why people reject the gospel.  Knowing the reasons why people reject the gospel...

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