They Went Everywhere Preaching the Word

They Went Everywhere Preaching the Word CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There was no place that was without a gospel witness – in Acts 5:28, they filled Jerusalem with their doctrine – in Acts 16:20, they exceedingly troubled the city – in Acts 17:6, they turned the world upside down – I...

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Churches Were Multiplied

Churches Were Multiplied CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The process of multiplication in Acts 9:31 involved the number of individuals multiplying and the number of churches multiplying.  In this fashion the churches were multiplied. I have seen a plan of discipleship by which more people than inhabit the earth could become Christians...

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White Already to Harvest

White Already to Harvest CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Jn 4:37, Jesus had to tell his disciples to lift up their eyes and look on the fields.  They weren’t seeing what he was seeing!  We see hair color, the fashion of clothes, the stature, the complexion, and many other outward things. ...

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The Fruit of the Word of God

The Fruit of the Word of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Sunday school we learned that there are five basic categories of fruit in a Christian’s life.  These are: The fruit of a good tree [Matt 7:17] which is fruit yielding works meet for repentance produced by the man. The...

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Thou Shalt Catch Men

Thou Shalt Catch Men Luke 5:1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO- THIS RECORDING WAS ENDED ABRUPTLY. In this text, we find both a spiritual and a practical way to reach people, and more particularly teens at Teen Connection.  The Lord uses an illustration from a real fishing experience to teach us about...

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Bring Them to Jesus

Matt 14:34-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO These were remarkable miracles performed by the Lord Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry.  From this passage we can find a great deal of simple and yet beneficial information to help us see the Lord perform the greatest miracle of all in the lives...

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A True Witness Delivereth Souls Prov. 14: 25

True Witness Delievereth Souls Prov 14: 25 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A true witness delivereth souls.  This true witness is contrasted with the deceitful witness that lies – and in terms of our witness, a deceitful witness will not tell a lost sinner the truth of the negative side of the...

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The Sword of the Spirit

The Sword of the Spirit Eph. 6:17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The sword of the Spirit is the word of God.  We have been enlisted into the Lord’s army and we are to be good soldiers.  Therefore, we have been issued a weapon so that we can fight on the Lord’s...

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The Wise Soul Winner Prov. 11: 30

The Wise Soul Winner Prov. 11:30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We call this broadcast the wise soul winner.  He that winneth souls is wise – there is wisdom in soul winning in three different respects: It’s a wise thing to do – it is wise to: be obedient – Acts 1:8;...

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Soul Winning

Soul Winning Prov.11:30             Do you consider yourself a soul winner? This text is where we get the phrase, even though Solomon had no concept of our definition. These seven things are things that anyone can do. You may never lead a person to the Lord, but you can do...

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