Cornelius’ House

Cornelius’ House Acts 10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO While we were in Mexico, we had the opportunity to preach in two house churches which are missions of the Templo Bautista in Pachuca, Mexico.  At the second church, in Sahagun, there were five lost people who had been invited to the Monday...

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Joy in the Presence of the Angels

Joy in the Presence of the Angels Luke 15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Those of us who are saved know first hand about the joy of salvation.  We know what it’s like to come out of the PITS OF SIN and to walk in the GLORIOUS LIBERTY and joy of eternal...

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Growing Joy, Jn 17:13

Growing Joy John 17:13 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO 6 things that grow joy Receiving God’s words – (1Thes. 1:6, Luke 8:13) There is joy in reading your Bible and then watching God’s words transform your life, as well as the lives of those around you. Believing God’s words – (Rom....

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Be Not Silent

The lesson text for Be Not Silent is Ps 30:11-12 According to Acts 1:8, we are to be witnesses of the Lord Jesus Christ. That is a responsibility of every Christian. If you are saved, then you have the Holy Spirit of God living in you. You should have the...

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Fishers of Men

 Fishers of Men CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you are ever going to be fishers of men and catch a great multitude of men, you’ll have to: Launch Out – v.4 – you are going to have to fish for them – you can’t just go from work to home to...

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Fishing for Men

Fishing for Men Luke 5:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In order to get started Fishing for Men and in order to catch them [v.10] you have to do three things: Finish – “when they had brought their ships to land” – they were in the middle of the biggest catch they...

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How To Win Souls, Jn 4:39-42

Two Ways To Win Them John 4:39-42 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This broadcast will give you help on how to win souls.  When the woman at the well went to tell the townspeople about Jesus, they believed her because of two things: Her personal testimony – She gave her personal testimony...

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The Harvest, Jn 4:35-38

The Harvest John 4:35-38 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Why are we supposed to enter the Harvest? Because of the wages (John 4:36) – The work is hard, and God wants you to have the rewards of your labor.  Matt 20:1-13 describes God’s pay rate.  In Lk 19, the parable of the...

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The Woman at the Well, Jn 4:10-24

The Woman at the Well John 4:10-24 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO OVERCOMING OBSTACLES IN SOUL WINNING Jn. 4:10-26 In this lesson we see one of the greatest salvation experiences in the Bible.  It reveals the obstacles that men typically have to deal with and the answers the Lord generally has...

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Living By Faith

Living By Faith Matt 6: 30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO I’ve been praying for the Lord to increase my faith.  Well, the Bible says “So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God,” [Rom 10:17].  So, we need to see what the Bible tells us about faith. ...

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