The Heart of a Minister 1 Thes. 3:1-13

1 Thes 3:1-13 The Difference Between A Minister & A Soul Winner CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Thes 3:1-13 , this lesson could be called “The difference between a Minister and a  Soul Winner.”  A minister takes a far more personal interest in the souls with whom he deals than...

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Christian Converts 1Thes. 2:19-20

1 Thes 2:19-20 Christian Converts CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The average price of a ticket to the Super Bowl resold on the internet is $3,400.  Do you know why a person would pay that kind of money for a ticket?  The answer is simple.  He pays that much because that’s what...

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When a person receives Jesus Christ, one of the first things he ought to do is tell someone else that he got saved.  Darrel Robinson, who wrote the book, Total Church Life, used to take his new converts soul winning with him as soon as the next day after they...

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Is He Lost or Backslidden?

Many professing Christians are troubled today by a life of sin. As a result, they doubt whether they are even saved. This is particularly troubling when you see family members or friends that you have “lead to the Lord” who show no evidence that they are saved. What is the...

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What about Soul Winning Programs?

We get questions from time to time about salvation and the questions address a common problem. Soul winners aren’t sure when they can put another stripe on their sleeves and testify to their friends that they “have led another soul to Christ.” Truthfully, the intimidating thing about soul winning is...

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What are the sins of not witnessing?

According to John R. Rice, who was personally a great soul winner, there are seven sins that Christians commit when they are NOT witnessing for Jesus Christ. These sins are: 1. Disobedience to the main command of Jesus Christ. We commonly refer to the last two verses of Matthew as the...

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Matthew 13:47-51 Parable of the Net

Matt 13:47-51 Parable of the Net CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we will study the parable of the net and the work of scribes in the kingdom of heaven. The parable of the net concerns the gathering of saved and lost at the end of the world. Remember that...

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