Leading Family Members to the Lord, Jn 7:3-5

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON Family members can be some of the hardest people to lead to the Lord.  And religious family members are often the hardest family members to reach.  Jesus’ brethren did not initially believe in him in Jn 7:5.  However, you see them in the...

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The Joys of the Ministry, Phil 2:1-2d

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON There are lots of pressures, prayers, griefs, and heartaches in the work of the ministry.  Sometimes, pastors think it would just be easier to be an evangelist, so that they wouldn’t have to get wrapped up in all the problems. ...

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Good Signs of His Coming, 1 Thes 1:9-10

Shortly after news of the coronavirus first broke in the United States, Christians started asking, “Do you think this is a sign of the end times?”  And so I preached the message that compared the coronavirus with Biblical pestilences because I didn’t believe that this was a Biblical pestilence.  ...

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Your Life Affects Others, Rom 14:7

According to Rom 14:7, we don’t live to ourselves.  Your life affects others.  Therefore, we are commended not to put a stumbling block or an occasion to fall in our brother’s way [v.13].  We are not to have a bad affect on others.  But we are also to “follow after...

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The Word’s Free Course, 2 Thes 3:1

In 2 Thes 3:1, Paul requested prayer from the Thessalonians “that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you.”  In this sense the word course is a moving or motion forward.  So, the course of a river, for instance, is...

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A True Witness, Prov 14:25

“A true witness delivereth souls,” according to Prov 14:25.  It will help us to understand and apply this verse to our lives if we will consider the various definitions of “true” that are compatible with this verse.   A true witness is: Properly so called – he’s properly so called...

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Ready to Preach, Rom 1:15

Ready Corpus Christi is an emergency preparedness guide for residents.  On the Ready Corpus Christi website you will find things like “Be Ready for a Hurricane.” This is a publication that is also mailed to residents before Hurricane season.  It describes the preparations that you need to make at the...

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Tell Others About Jesus, Jn 17:20

Jesus prayed for those who would believe on him through “their word,” [Jn 17:20].  You hear us preach about witnessing to others.  But up to now you have been stuck.  So, here’s what to do.  In order to tell others about Jesus, you must: Know – to tell others about...

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I Will Go, Ps 71:15-18

In Psalm 71:15-18 we read, “I will go in the strength of the Lord God.”  Years ago, I had that verse hanging above my office door.  It was a reminder to me to go out in the strength of the Lord.  But notice, the Psalmist said, “I will go.”  We...

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Tell Them, Mk 5:18-20

When Jesus cast the devils out of the man who had the Legion, the “whole multitude of the country of the Gadarenes round about besought him to depart from them,” [Lk 8:37].  When Jesus got into the ship to leave, the man “prayed him that he might be with him,”...

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