The Joy of Evangelism 1 Peter 1:8,9

The Joy of Evangelism 1 Peter 1:8,9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The joy of evangelism is actually seeing souls get saved.  It takes a lot of persistent seed sowing and prayer – it takes a sincere desire and burden to see lost people saved – it takes consistency in your life;...

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Hewers and Workers of Stone 1 Chron. 22: 6

Hewers & Wokers of Stone 1 Chron. 22: 6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When David charged Solomon to build the house of the Lord, he provided him with hewers and workers of stone.  They are the ones who mined the stone, brought it to the job site and shaped it...

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Why People Reject the Gospel Gal. 2:12

  Why People Reject the Gospel Gal. 2:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are praying for our friends and family to get saved and it will be helpful for us to understand some of the main reasons why people reject the gospel.  Knowing the reasons why people reject the gospel...

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A Friend of Publicans and Sinners Matt. 11:16-19

A Friend of Publicans and Sinners Matt.11:16-19 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The statement that Jesus was a friend of publicans and sinners was a derogatory statement.  The generation that saw Jesus in his earthly ministry accused him of being a glutton and a winebibber because he ate with publicans and sinners...

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A Personal Witness John 9:1-41

A Personal Witness John 9:1-41 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In talking with a friend who attends a large non-denominational church, I asked him about his church’s outreach.  He described a number of events but concluded that the most effective was to reach people is still one-on-one through personal witness.  It’s still...

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Beautiful Feet Is. 52:7

Beautiful Feet Is. 52:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Read with Rom 10:14-15.  When God speaks to us of preaching the word of God he does not emphasize the beautiful face, voice, personality, demeanor or dress of the preacher.  He mentions the beautiful feet.  That’s because his feet are shod with the...

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Lest Peradventure I See The Evil Gen. 44:34

Lest Peradventure I See The Evil Gen. 44: 34 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Judah said to Joseph, Lest Peradventure I See The Evil that shall come on my father, concerning returning to Canaan without Benjamin.  Judah offered himself in Benjamin’s place because he would have rather been a bondman to Joseph...

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Build the House Haggai 1:7-8

Build The House Haggai 1:7-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The problem during the reign of Darius is that the Lord’s house was not built.  And the people were saying, “It’s not time,” (Hag 1:2).  The Lord disagreed (Hag 1:4).  So, he told them in Hag 1:8 to build the house.  And...

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Vision Prov. 29: 18

Vision Prov. 29: 18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It is deadly not to have the right vision – where there is no vision the people perish – so we have to have vision. We must have a: Vision of God’s Words – 1 Sam 3:1, 21 [in Lk 24 after Jesus...

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Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing

Without Me Ye Can Do Nothing John 15 1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus said that without me ye can do nothing.  Simply put, it’s not what we do for him that counts but rather what he does through us.  We spend lots of time and effort trying to do something...

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