Babes in Christ, 1 Pet 2:2

Babes in Christ 1 Pet 2: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Babes in Christ may be babes because they have only recently been saved.  Yet, they could be babes because they are carnal.  That is, they live their life in Christ in the flesh instead of in the Spirit. From the...

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When Satan Attacks, 1 Pet 5:8

When Satan Attacks 1 Pet 5: 8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that the devil is a roaring lion… seeking whom he may devour [1 Pet 5:8].  He patiently waits for optimum times to attack.  Here are some of the more obvious times when you can expect the devil...

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The Voice of God, Ex 19:5-8

The Voice of God Ex. 19:5-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Ex 19:5-8, Moses told Israel to obey the voice of God.  And the people said, “All that the Lord hath spoken we will do.”  The truth of the matter is that people don’t want to hear the voice of God. ...

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The Good Fight of Faith, 1 Tim 6:12

Paul told Timothy to fight the good fight of faith.  Whether you know it or not, we are in a fight.  And our key opponent is the devil.  One of the problems in war is insufficient or inaccurate intelligence.  Thankfully, we have good intelligence.  Paul said of the devil, our...

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Sound Things You Need, Prov 2:7

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON The Bible mentions five things that are sound.  Sound means founded in truth; firm; right; correct; free from error; not defective.  Sound also means firm, strong, solid, not feeble, not wandering.  These are five sound things you need.  You need:...

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Not Ashamed

Not Ashamed Gen. 2:25               Adam and Eve were in the presence of God, naked, and not ashamed. Will you be able to stand one day before God and not be ashamed? Saved [Rom.14:10-12] or Lost [Rev.20:11-15] we will all stand before God. If you are a child of...

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We Must Endure 2 Tim 4:3

We Must Endure 2 Tim 4: 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We have to endure some things as Christians.  Not all these things we’re going to talk about tonight will come upon you.  But if they do, you must endure them.  How? By charity.  “Charity… endureth all things.  Charity never faileth,”...

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Timothy’s Charge II Tim. 4:1-5

Timothy’s Charge II Tim. 4: 1-5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As Paul winds down his letter to Timothy, he gives him a final charge before God and the Lord Jesus Christ.  To add gravity to his charge, he reminds Timothy that he will face the Lord and be judged for the...

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Sound Doctrine and the Law 1 Tim. 1: 3-11

Sound Doctrine and The Law 1 Tim. 1: 3-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In 1 Tim 1:3-11, Paul instructs Timothy on properly teaching sound doctrine and the law.  Paul tells Timothy to “charge some that they teach no other doctrine.”  To charge is to command authoritatively.  It’s like a military command. ...

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