The Hearing Ear Prov. 20:12

The Hearing Ear Prov. 20:12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord made the hearing ear; the purpose for it, therefore, is to hear.  But he didn’t put a gate on it, so you must guard what goes in it and what stays out.  He intended it so that we could hear –...

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Favorable Rebuke Prov. 28: 23

Favorable Rebuke Prov. 28: 23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Prov 28:23 shows you that flattery will give you favor right now whereas rebuke will give you favor later – and there will be more favor with rebuke than there will be with flattery. We don’t often give counsel on how to...

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A Heart Far From God

A Heart Far From God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When your heart gets far from God, it will affect: Your Love – v.2 – “they found fault” – Jesus had come to heal them and to save them and all they could do is criticize him – men whose hearts stray...

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Why God Gave Us Local Churches

Why God Gave Us Local Churches Acts 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God gave us local churches to make sure that the problems of this life don’t become the problems of your life. It’s common for people to point to problems in their lives beginning when they got out of church. ...

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The Right Church

1 Thes 1:7 The Right Church CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When we lead people to Christ, we often refer our new converts to 1 Thessalonians to read first because every chapter has to do with the second coming of Christ.  The second coming of Christ is a great doctrine to get...

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