Filled with the Spirit Eph.5:18b-21

  Ephesians 5:18b-21Filled With the Spirit CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We are commanded to be filled with the Spirit; it is not an option.  Preacher – to refuse to be filled with the Spirit is as wicked as being drunk.  Clarification – being filled with the Spirit is not the same as...

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Sins against the Spirit Eph.4:30

 Ephesians 4:30 Sins Against the Spirit CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO  There are a number of sins against the Spirit: Disobedience – Grieve – Eph 4:30 Suffocation – Quench – I Th 5:19 Dissimulation – Lie to – Acts 5:3 Blasphemy – Say, “Jesus has an unclean spirit” – Mk 3:28-30 Rejection of Jesus (Jn 16:8-10) – Despise – Heb 10:29 Rebellion – Vex – Is  63:9-10 Unbelief – Resist – Acts 7:51 Primary danger right after getting saved,...

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There’s Just One Eph.4:4-6

Ephesians 4:4-6 Theres Just One CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Eph 4:4-6, the unity of the Spirit and the bond of peace from v. 3 are maintained when everybody is in agreement about the doctrines in v. 4-6.  The trouble is that God says, “There is just one,” but men have come...

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Delivered From the Law, Rom 7:1-13

Delivered from the Law Rom. 7:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 7:6 Paul says, Now we are delivered from the law.  For a law abiding Jew, being delivered from the law would be unthinkable.  As we saw in our study of Galatians, Jews were trying to put Gentile Christians back...

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Do You Have Understanding Prov.1

Do You Have Understanding Prov. 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Understanding is mentioned 53 times in Proverbs. It is obviously very important.  Do you have understanding?  You know you are getting understanding when: You walk uprightly – Prov 15:21 – because you have departed from evil [Job 28:28].  You understand that...

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The Need for Salvation by Faith

The Need for Salvation by Faith CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Often, religious people confuse water baptism with salvation by faith.  In this lesson, we examine some verses on salvation to clear up the difference between salvation by faith and baptism.  We are teaching this lesson because we had a couple of...

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Is music really that important (Part 2)

Is Music Really That Important (Part 2) In the previous lesson we ended by looking at the kind of music that word of God shows us we should be listening to. This music was found in Ephesians 5:19 and Colossians 3:16. The music for us today is Psalms, Hymns, and...

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He That Ruleth His Spirit Prov.16:32

He That Ruleth His Spirit Prov.16:32 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to Prov 16:32, he that ruleth his spirit [is better] than he that taketh a city.  This shows how strong a man must be to rule his spirit.  We are emotional beings and our emotions affect our spirits.  In other...

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The spirit of a man

The spirit of a man Prov.18:14             The spirit of a man is important. We are talking about the ability of a man to survive insurmountable obstacles. There are many war time examples of men with no food, ammunition, and worn down to the last stages of exhaustion are able...

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