Increase in the Knowledge of God, Col 1:10

How are we to know God, and once we know him, how are we to increase in the knowledge of God?  He will reveal himself through:  Sight – Romans 1:18-28.  One of the first ways that God reveals himself to us is in creation.  “For the invisible things of him...

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Thyself Hast Decided It 1 Ki 20:40

1 Ki 20 40 Thyself Hast Decided It CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO During the reign of the kings, it was common for people to appear before the king for judgment [2 Sam 15:6; 1 Ki 3:16-28].  In 1 Ki 20:35-43, a prophet disguised himself and waited for King Ahab to pass...

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Effectual Words of God 1 Thes. 2:13

18-04-29 1 Thes 2 13 Effectual Words of God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO According to 1 Thes 2:13, for the words of God to work effectually in you, there are three things that you must do.  And these things work in connection with each other.  In other words, if you...

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Growth Requires Nourishment and Exercise 1 Pet 2:2

 Growth Requires Nourishment and Exercise 1 Peter 2 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Normal growth requires proper nourishment and exercise. Physical growth is the result of proper nourishment and exercise – physical growth doesn’t happen automatically.  When a child is born, it is normal to expect that child to grow, as long...

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Stages of Christian Maturity Mk 10:15

Stages of Christian Maturity Mk 10:15  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As Christians we should go through stages of maturity, just like we go through natural stages of growth.  Physically, we start out as newborns and progress to full maturity through our lives.  But Christians don’t always grow to full maturity. ...

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Real Spirituality Gal 6:1-6

Galatians 6 :1-6 Real Spirituality CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO A man that is truly spiritual will do the following things: He is there to help a brother get back on his feet – the fault not necessarily sin but it knocks him out of fellowship, see Ps 19:12; v.13; Daniel, Dan 6:4 –...

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Your Faith Groweth Exceedingly II Thess. 1:3

Your Faith Groweth Exceedingly II Thess. 1:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Your faith, from the time you are saved until the time you die, should grow.  In this text, the faith of the Thessalonians grew exceedingly.  How does faith grow exceedingly? It starts with faith in Christ – 2 Tim 3:15;...

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Essentials of Spiritual Growth 1 Peter 2:2

Essentials of Spiritual Growth 1 Peter 2:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This sermon should help you with your spiritual growth, whether you have already grown some or you are newly saved. We receive missionary prayer requests every month in which we are asked to pray for the spiritual growth of their...

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A Fruitful Christian Life II Pet. 1:1-8

A Fruitful Christian Life II Pet 1:1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO All of us want to have a fruitful Christian life and this passage gives us the recipe.  I like recipes because if you follow them you are sure that your meal is going to turn out right.  Likewise, if...

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Spiritual Growth Col. 1:9

Spiritual Growth Col. 1:9  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Paul wrote to the Colossians he told them that he prayed for several things concerning their spiritual growth.  The things for which he prayed are the same things that we need for our spiritual growth.  Our spiritual growth involves: Knowing God’s will...

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