Wicked King Manasseh, 2 Chr 33:1-17

Wicked King Manasseh 2 Chr 33:1-17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Wicked King Manasseh reigned as a young man and had the reputation of being the wickedest king that Judah ever had.  The reason that Judah was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar is that Manasseh had sinned so wickedly [2 Ki 24:1-4]. What we...

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Stumbling Blocks, Ezek 14:3

Stumbling blocks are obstacles to your progress in growing in the grace and the knowledge of Jesus Christ.  They will impede your walk with God and cause you to go astray.  There are four stumbling blocks of which you must be particularly aware. The stumbling block of your iniquity –...

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