Paul’s Ministry to Gentiles, Col 1:21-29

In Col 1:21-29, Paul principally described his ministry to Gentiles.  He discussed the Gentiles reconciliation in vs. 21-23 and his ministry in vs. 23-29. According to Col 1:21-22, when Gentiles get saved, we are reconciled in the body of Christ’s flesh through death.  Paul wrote to the Ephesians about our...

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Until God is Glorified, Lk 2:13-14

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON It is very important for us to understand the importance of glorifying God.  Until God is glorified: There won’t be peace in the world – Lk 2:14 – they didn’t glorify God when Jesus came.   The Jews rejected him...

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Follow After Patience, 1 Tim 6:11

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In 1 Tim 6:11 Paul told Timothy to follow after patience, among other things.  If you’re going to make it for the long haul in the Christian life, you are going to need patience.  Patience requires supernatural strength.  That’s why...

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Factors Determining Our Inheritance, Eph 5:5

When we are saved, God gives us eternal life.  “The gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord,” Rom 6:23.  After we are raptured to be with God in heaven, he will also give us an inheritance.  “The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit that we...

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The Devil, Afflictions, and Suffering, 1 Pet 5:8-14

Peter’s exhortation in 1 Pet 5:8-11 deals, primarily, with three different subjects: the devil, afflictions, and suffering.  The final three verse of the chapter are Silvanus’ closing remarks. The devil – 1 Pet 5:8-9 – the devil is our adversary.  Therefore, he is our enemy.  He opposes God and he...

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Suffering as a Christian, 1 Pet 4:12-19

Peter deals with Christian suffering in 1 Pet 4:12-19.  We’ll study, from this passage, the reasons for suffering and our responses to suffering. Reasons for suffering.  You’ll suffer: The fiery trial – 1 Pet 4:12-13 – this fiery trial could be literal like Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego in Dan 3:6-30. ...

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Followers of Christ Suffer, 1 Pet 3:13-22

Our Sunday school lesson is over 1 Pet 3:13-22.  When you get saved and begin to follow Christ, you start following that which is good.  In 1 Pet 3:13. Peter asks, “who is he that will harm you, if ye be followers of that which is good?”  The answer is,...

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Be Subject To Your Master, 1 Pet 2:18-25

In 1 Pet 2:18-25, Peter exhorts servants to be subject to their masters regardless whether they are good and gentle or froward.  The conduct of a master toward his servant described in this passage is much harsher than anything allowed in the United States today.  For one thing, these are...

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Bear With Me, 2 Cor 11:1-33

Paul wanted the Corinthians to bear with him through some boasting.  They might well bear with [meaning “in all likelihood they would bear with”] a fellow preaching false doctrine [2 Cor 11:4], so they should certainly bear with Paul.  He wanted them to bear with him: Being jealous over them...

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Increase in the Knowledge of God, Col 1:10

How are we to know God, and once we know him, how are we to increase in the knowledge of God?  He will reveal himself through:  Sight – Romans 1:18-28.  One of the first ways that God reveals himself to us is in creation.  “For the invisible things of him...

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