It’s Worth The Trouble, Phil 2:14-18

  Philippians 2:14-18 It’s Worth It CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul went everywhere preaching and endured real hardship, suffering, and persecution for what he did.  And here he is summing it up for the Philippians.  Basically, “when you do certain things, I don’t care how much it costs me, even my life,...

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To Live Is Christ

Phil. 1: 21-24 To Live Is Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Christianity is so much more than a ticket out of hell.  It is not something that you have to wait until you die to begin to enjoy.  As Paul said, “To Live is Christ.”  And he gives: Purpose to...

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What Now? Phil. 1:27-30

Philippians 1:27-30 What Now? CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Now that you are saved, what do you do now and what can you expect? Tell others about Christ “Conversation” v. 27 “becometh gospel” Used to: Eph 2:3;4:22 Now: Phil 3:20, heavenly; II Pet 3:11, holy; Jas 3:13, good; I Pet 3:16, even...

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Church in Smyrna Rev. 2:8-11

Church in Smyrna Revelation 2:8-11 Church in Smyrna   The identification of the speaker – 8   The first and the last is a reference to Jesus Christ from Revelation 1:17 Which was dead and is alive is a reference to Jesus Christ from Revelation 1:18 – so the resurrection...

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Philippians 1:21-30 For the Gospel

For the Gospel Phil. 1: 21-30 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul lived for the sake of the gospel and he expected those he led to the Lord to do the same thing. Everything Paul did in his life was for the sake of the gospel. And from his life we should...

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Matthew 16:13-20 Jesus the Christ

Matt 16:13-20 Jesus the Christ CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In this lesson we learn that Jesus the Christ is the Messiah. Some folks believe that as “the” Christ he was a natural born man upon whom the Spirit came at his baptism, thus making him the Christ. And that at his death,...

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