Good Christian Conduct, Col 4:1-6

This Sunday school lesson covers Col 4:1-6.  The first verse picks up where the last verse from Col 3 left off.  The remainder of the passage deals with three essential aspects of good Christian conduct: your prayer, your walk, and your speech.  Before we get into these three, we’ll look...

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Happy Are Thy Men, 1 Ki 10:7-8

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In 1 Ki 10, the queen of Sheba visited Solomon because she had heard of his fame concerning the name of the Lord, 1 Ki 10:1.  When she saw his grandeur, “there was no more spirit in her,” 1 Ki...

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Yesterday at the Port

Yesterday at the Port [Ps.107:23-31] Each week you get to hear a report on the Port Ministry of our church. We started this ministry back in February of 2013. We have been given access to the ships that sail the all the seas of the world, and the men of...

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Your Part in The Gospel, Gal 6:8-10

When you read the Acts of the Apostles and the epistles of Paul, you see that the bulk of the preaching of the gospel was done by the men that God called to be apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers.  In Paul’s epistles, you don’t see much instruction to the...

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A New Commandment, Jn 13:34-35

Jesus fulfilled the commandments of the Old Testament and then gave a new commandment.  The new commandment is “That ye love one another,” [Jn 13:34].  It is simply stated, just like the ten commandments.  People say that the Bible is hard to understand.  There is nothing difficult to understand about,...

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Manifesting the Works of God

Manifesting the Works of God Jn.9:1-37 Verses 1-5, imagine yourself as that blind man, hopeless – verse 32 Typology of us being as the blind man lost and without hope Our purpose is to manifest the works of God Do you have a Testimony of the Change? Verses  8-9, People...

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What is Faith?

What is Faith? Heb.11:1 [Rom.14:23] “For whatsoever is not of faith is sin”[Heb.11:6] “without Faith it is impossible to please God” Without faith, we cannot please God, and anything in our lives that is not of faith, is sin. If someone asked you “what is faith?” what would you say?...

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God is Dead Serious Lev. 10:1-11

God Is Died Serious Lev. 10: 1-11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God is Dead Serious Lev.10:1-11 Introduction: • Read [Verse 1-2], God is dead serious • Pray • They misunderstood how serious God was about their job. • Illustration of Anhydrous Ammonia tank repair – Chance of death – got serious!...

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Stephanas was Addicted 1 Cor 16:15-18

Stephanas was Addicted 1 Cor 16:15-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The house of Stephanas was addicted to the ministry of the saints.  Addicted – strongly inclined to indulge in repeatedly.  Addict – to devote or surrender to something habitually or obsessively.  Earlier meaning – to give over, surrender, apply or devote...

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Asa’s Rewardable Work 2 Chr 15:1-15

Asa’s Rewardable Work 2 Chr. 15: 1-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Asa’s life changed when he responded to the prophecy of Azariah in 2 Chr 15:1-15.  Today, your life can change the same way.  You can do the rewardable work that Asa did if you will make the changes that he...

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