Doing The Will of God

Doing The Will of God Finding and doing the will of God are two of the most important things you will do in your Christian life.  Bob Jones, Sr. said that a successful man is the one who finds what God wants him to do and then does it. In Mark 3:31-35,...

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Jesus Fulfilled His Father’s Will , 1 Pet 2:21

How Jesus Fulfilled His Father’s Will 1 Pet 2: 21  CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Jesus fulfilled God’s will because: He knew his Father’s will – Lk 2:49 – In childhood Jesus went about to do his Father’s business.  At the temple, Jesus surprised Mary by responding to her inquiry.  He...

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Walk Carefully and Strictly

Ephesians 5:15-21  Introduction: Every step the believer takes in life should be intentional and with purpose. Because it is so easy to take a wrong step in life and spend a lot of wasted time tying to correct our walk, we should consider the steps that we take. This is...

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God’s Will For Man Lesson 1

Introduction: According to the Bible, God has a will for every believer today. It is God’s intention for all of us to know His will for our lives so that we can be IN God’s will. If Jesus Christ was to come back right now for His church, would we...

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Doing the Will of God

This sermon is about doing the will of God.  As we follow Jesus, we use remember that he said, I come to do thy will, Heb 10:7, 9.  The will of God was so important to Jesus Christ that he found it even before he was a teenager and went...

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Living in the Will of God, Matt 26:39

Living in the Will of God Matt. 26:39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Living in the will of God is a daily challenge.  In order to live in the will of God you must follow some important spiritual truths from the Bible.  To live in the will of God you must:...

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Misusing The Will of God Acts 22:14

Misusing The Will of God Acts 22:14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We place a lot of emphasis on knowing the will of God and doing his will. But we need to be careful about misusing the will of God.  When people believe that they know the will of God, they are...

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Will of God, Rom 12:1-2

Will of God Rom. 12:1-2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO In Rom 12:1-2 Paul writes about the will of God.  The will of God is the same for every Christian and, as we will see, his will is specifically stated in the Bible. The plan of God, on the other hand, is different for each...

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God’s Will for My Life

God’s Will for My Life 1 Thes.4:3                 Finding God’s will for your life is very simple. The Bible clearly states what is the will of God for you. We make the mistake of confusing it and God’s plan for your life. God has a plan for your life which concerns...

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