God’s Will for My Life

God’s Will for My Life 1 Thes.4:3                 Finding God’s will for your life is very simple. The Bible clearly states what is the will of God for you. We make the mistake of confusing it and God’s plan for your life. God has a plan for your life which concerns...

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A Worthly Walk Eph. 4:1-3

Ephesians 4:1-3 A Worthly Walk CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you got saved, God called you to a special job.  This job is your vocation.  Paul wanted the Ephesians to walk worthy of that call – I Tim 1:9; Phil 3:14.  We are all called to pray (Lk 18:1), all called...

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Difficulties Following the Will of God Ex. 3,4,5

Difficulties Following the Will of God Ex. 3,4,5 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO You will face a number of difficulties following the will of God.  We sometimes think that when we surrender to do the will of God, everything is going to immediately fall into place.  Often that’s not so.  Often you...

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Christian Growth IV

Christian Growth IV Eph. 5 :17 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Paul said in Eph 5:17 that he wanted us to understand what the will of the Lord is.  Well, you will never understand the will of God apart from the word of God. In the word of God you find the...

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Trust in the Lord Proverbs 3: 5-6

Trust in the Lord Prov. 3: 5-6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you get saved you become a son of God, so you can honestly have the confidence that God is going to lead you (Rom 8:14). As a son of God you expect God to lead you by the Spirit...

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The Death of Christ, Jn 12:20-36

The Death of Christ John 12:20-36 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO While Jesus Christ accomplished many things, in this particular passage of scripture we see that His death accomplished ten different things. The conversion of the Gentiles (Exodus 12:48, Mark 7:26, Romans 1:16) The glorification of Jesus (John 7:38, Acts 3:13, 1...

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The Success of Joseph

The Sucess of Joseph Gen. 39 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Joseph is the greatest type of Christ in the Bible.  As Christians, we are constantly being conformed to the image of Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit in us.  Therefore, since Joseph was a type of Christ, we ought to be...

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