Our Warfare, 2 Cor 10:3-6

From the moment we get saved, we are in a war.  We have the Spirit of God in us, but we are still in this earthly body.  And it’s wicked.  It’s our warfare and we must fight it.  Like men are trained to know their enemy, to use their weapons...

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The Lord Pondereth the Hearts Prov 21:2

The Lord Ponder the Heart Prov. 21: 2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Every way of a man is right in his own eyes.  When men choose a way, they think they’re right in the way they are going.  This is how men are about religion.  Paul thought he was right in...

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Thoughts Prov. 23:7

Thoughts Prov. 23: 7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Thoughts Prov. 23:7 “as he thinketh in his heart, so is he”    Most of us are unaware of how powerful our thoughts are. We have the power to control out thoughts. Your thoughts control your: Actions- sin begins with a thought, Emotions...

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Good Success Joshua 1:8-9

Good Success Joshua 1:8-9 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If you want your way to be prosperous and have good success by God’s measure, then there are certain things that you must do. They relate to the words of God.  This book of the law must guide: Your words – Jos 1:8 –...

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The Lord Pondereth the Hearts Prov. 21:2

The Lord Pondereth the Hearts Prov.21:2 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO As Christians we are pretty careful about our ways.  For the most part you wouldn’t be doing what you do the way you do it if you didn’t think it was right.  I didn’t say you wouldn’t be doing it if...

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An Honest Person Luke 8:15

An Honest Person Luke 8 :15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO There are several passages in the Bible that deal with honesty.  Today we want to concentrate on just three of these because they are so important to your life.  In order to be an honest person you need to have: An...

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He Will Have Mercy Is. 55:6-7

He Will HaveMercy Is. 55:6-7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord is a Merciful God; he will have mercy. In this text we see His mercy at work through the whole process of a fellow returning to the Lord. The Lord grants him mercy to: Seek the Lord – you are not...

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The Thoughts of Your Heart

The Thoughts of Your Heart Prov.23:7 The thoughts of your heart control you. Your mind has a great control on every part of your life. So you need to be aware of your thoughts and get control over them.   [Gen.20:1-11]              Afraid The lord was protecting Abraham, yet his...

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Search Me

Search Me O God CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord searches us in order to reveal to us what is truly in us.  The purpose is to show us what’s wrong and then to lead us into something better.  His desire is to improve us; to make us better.  That’s why...

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