Where is Mine Honour Mal. 1:6-14

Where is Mine Honour Mal. 1:6-14 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God gave Malachi words to rebuke Israel because they were not honoring him. He asked, Where is mine honour? He is entitled to their honour in the same way that parents are entitled to honour from their children according to...

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Honour the Lord with Thy Substance Proverbs 3: 9-10

Honour the Lord with thy Substance Prov. 3: 9-10 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Sometimes people get nervous about preaching on money because there is so much preaching on money and they get tired of it. One reason they are so tired of it is that they recognize many of the preachers...

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Giving is a very important aspect of the Christian life.  Unfortunately, the doctrine of giving is often taught by preachers who profit personally from the increased giving of their congregations.  Thus, there is as much bad teaching, if not more, on the subject as there is good teaching.  Giving to...

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