Tomorrow, Prov 27:1

Tomorrow There are three things that come to mind about tomorrow. Boast not – Prov 27:1.  For thou knowest not what a day may bring forth.  Boasting about tomorrow is a statement of pride.  The circumstances that appear to be in your favor today may be substantially against you tomorrow....

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Dangers of Procrastination

Dangers of Procrastination Prov. 27:1   Procrastination is putting off something to a future time. We who are guilty often put things off till tomorrow. Usually, without exception, the things that we put off till tomorrow are things that we really don’t enjoy doing. I rarely procrastinate on anything I...

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Prepare to Meet Thy God Amos 4 :12

Prepare to Meet Thy God Amos 4 :12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO We know that we are to take no thought for the morrow [Matt 6:34] and that we are not to boast of tomorrow [Prov 27:1].  However, if we live till tomorrow then we must remember that what ever we...

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Boast Not Thyself Of Tomorrow Prov. 27: 1

Boast Not Thyself of To Morrow Prov. 27: 1 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Bible says, Boast not thyself of tomorrow.  We are so guilty of this – always thinking about what we are going to do: Tomorrow This weekend Next month On vacation This summer When we retire You better...

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