Passing Out Tracts

Passing Out Tracts CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Gospel tracts are small publications containing the gospel.  They range in size from small leaflets to small booklets.  They are relatively inexpensive, the better ones will definitely get read, and you can carry quite a few in your pocket or purse to hand out...

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Publish the Word, Ps 68:11

Publish the Word Ps 68:11 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO It should be encouraging to us to know that the Lord gave the word.  In other words, we are not propagating a religious doctrine.  We are called to preach the word of God.  Furthermore, it should be comforting for us to know...

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The Disciples Multiplied, Acts 6:7

The Disciples Multiplied Acts 6:7 says, “And the word of God increased; and the number of the disciples multiplied in Jerusalem greatly…”.  We’re going to discuss how the number of the disciples multiplied.  From this, hopefully, we will learn how we are to multiply. God created us to multiply physically....

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Resolutions, Luke 16:1-8

Resolutions Luke 16: 1-8 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Lord commended the unjust steward for his wisdom even though he was unjust.  The Lord said that he was wiser than the children of light.  Among other things, his wisdom was demonstrated in that he said, “I am resolved what to do”...

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Public Ministry, Prov 1:20-23

Public Ministry Prov. 1:20-23 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you read in Prov 1 that wisdom crieth without, you may wonder how she does it.  Wisdom crieth without through public ministry. Public ministry is public, Prov 1:20-21 – it is accomplished by publishing the word of God “without” the four walls...

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Yesterday at the Port

Yesterday at the Port [Ps.107:23-31] Each week you get to hear a report on the Port Ministry of our church. We started this ministry back in February of 2013. We have been given access to the ships that sail the all the seas of the world, and the men of...

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A True Witness, Prov 14:25

“A true witness delivereth souls,” according to Prov 14:25.  It will help us to understand and apply this verse to our lives if we will consider the various definitions of “true” that are compatible with this verse.   A true witness is: Properly so called – he’s properly so called...

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A Sower Mark 4:3

A Sower Mark 4:3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This is a discussion of the parable of the sower.  It deals with one simple thought in the parable.  Keep sowing the seed. What is he?  Mk 4:3 – He is a sower.  That’s what he is.  He’s not an apologist, or a...

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The Work of the Ministry Rom. 16:1-15

The Work of the Ministry Rom. 16:1-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The ministry takes a church not just an individual and yet every individual must do his part because we are ONE body of believers.  Notice how many people, by name, were involved with Paul in Rom 16:1-15.  No man can do...

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