Eyes of the Lord, Prov 5:21

Eyes of the Lord Prov 5:21 For the ways of man are before the eyes of the Lord… Prov 15:3 the eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.  He sees the wrong and the right. He’s keeping an eye on you.  Accountability groups...

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Continue With Zeal After Affliction, Ps 107

Affliction often draws you close to God as you see in Ps 107.  There’s a zeal for God in the trial, or the trouble, or the distress, or the affliction.  We are to continue with zeal after affliction passes. But as we can see with Israel, they repeatedly went back...

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Reaction to Trials, Ps 18:6

Reaction to Trials Ps. 18:6 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you go through trouble, your reaction to trials should follow a Biblical pattern.  Otherwise, it is way too easy to get in the flesh and really mess up.  So, pattern your reaction to trials after the following: Cry out to God...

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Search Me O God, Ps 139:23-24

David said, “Search me O God”.  He asked the Lord to search his heart and try his thoughts.  He wanted the Lord to see if there was any wicked way in him.  He wanted the Lord to lead him in the way everlasting.  He wanted to be in the best...

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A Servant of God, Ps 105

In Ps 105, three times we find a reference to a servant of God.  Ps 105:6, Abraham as a servant.  In Ps 105:17, Joseph was a servant.  Ps 105:26, Moses was a servant.  We know these men very well from our Bible.  But they each had to endure some things...

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The Trying of Your Faith, Jas 1:2-3

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS SERMON In 1 Sam 17:38-39, when David was preparing to fight Goliath, he said, “I have not proved them,” speaking of Saul’s armor.  David assayed to go, meaning he was attempting to go with Saul’s armor but he hadn’t proved it. ...

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The Resurrection of the Dead Acts 24:14-15

The Resurrection of the Dead Acts 24: 14-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When Paul defended himself before Felix he said that there shall be a resurrection of the dead.  There are times when you have to look further down the road than your current timeframe.  When you are enduring something that...

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Look Past the Problem II Cor. 4:17-18

Look Past the Problem II Cor. 4:17-18 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO When you face a problem, a trial, affliction or suffering, look past the problem; don’t look at it.  We have said before, “Gaze at the Savior and glance at the problem.”  But we must add that you can’t get stuck...

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The Lord Trieth the Hearts Prov. 17: 3

The Lord Trieth the Hearts Prov. 17: 3 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Your heart will be tried by the Lord – not unusual – teachers try students with exams – coaches try-out athletes for various sports – there are auditions for drama and musicals – search committees try out pastors –...

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Matthew 26:57-68 Jesus with Caiaphas

AUDIO RECORDING OF THIS LESSON The best way to study this passage is to compare it with the companion passages in the other gospels. That way, you get the whole picture of just what went on in the beginning of the trial of Jesus. The companion passages are Mk 14:53-65;...

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