Finding God’s Direction, Jer 10:23

People often ask how they can determine God’s direction on a particular decision or matter in their lives.  It is not uncommon for people to be very uncertain about a decision that they are trying to make.  Yet, we are sure that the Lord does not want you to be...

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Results of Trusting God, Prov 16:20

In this sermon, we’re going to talk about four results of trusting God.  When you trust in the Lord: You’ll be happy – Prov 16:20, whoso trusteth in the Lord, happy is he.  You’re happy first from getting saved.  Ps 144:15 says, happy is that people whose God is the...

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Don’t Put Confidence in Man, Ps 118:8-9

Many Christians have a news source from which they keep up with domestic and international news.  Often these news sources give you stories to persuade you to believe that the persons about whom they are reporting are either harmful or beneficial to good policy.  They either want you to support...

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Fruitful As A Tree, Jer 17:7-8

Jer 17:7-8 says that a man who trusts the Lord will be fruitful as a tree planted by the waters.  When we think of trees planted the waters around here, we think of river bottoms.  The San Antonio river bottom was home to many families of freed slaves after emancipation...

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The Sovereignty of God, Is 40:12-28

The Sovereignty of God Is 40:12-28 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO This message on the sovereignty of God is not about Calvinism.  This message is about God’s sovereignty in other matters besides salvation.  Certainly, he is not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.  There are those...

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Do You Really Trust the Lord, Nah 1:7

 Do You Really Trust the Lord Nah.1:7 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO If I were to ask you if you trust the Lord, you would more than likely reply, “Absolutely.”  And as long as things are going pretty smoothly in our lives we would all say that we trust the Lord.  But...

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Shushan Was Perplexed, Est 3:8-15

Shushan Was Perplexed Est 3: 8-15 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO Haman had convinced King Ahasuerus to let him write a decree to destroy all of the Jews, men, women, and children, in his provinces and to take the spoil of them into the king’s treasures.  The decree was to be published...

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Trusting is Believing, Eph 1:12-13

Trusting is Believing In Eph 1:12-13, Paul said they trusted in Christ; they believed in Christ.  Trusting is believing.  The definition of trust is to believe (rely on the truthfulness of) to depend (to place confidence in, rely on) to hope (to hope or expect confidently).  They key to depending...

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How to Keep From Being Afraid, Ps 27:1-4

In Ps 27:1, David asked two questions.  The first is, “Whom shall I fear?”  The second is, “Of whom shall I be afraid?”  When you ask yourself these two questions, it seems that there is always someone who is big enough and bad enough to scare you.  When you consider...

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My Spirit Faileth, Ps 143:7-8

VIDEO RECORDING OF THIS SESRMON In Ps 143:7, David prayed to the Lord and said, “Hear me speedily, O Lord: my spirit faileth.”  When your spirit fails it’s entirely exhausted, it’s deficient, or it’s diminished.  It seems that a black cloud has just settled in above you, cutting you off...

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