Sifted by Satan

Sifted by Satan Luke 22:31-34                 Sift: to examine minutely or critically, to scrutinize, Separate the fine from the course. In Bible times threshing floors were used to separate the grain from the chaff. The wheat was crushed by oxen walking on it, then it was thrown in the air,...

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Why Trust God? Ps 18:30

We know that we are supposed to trust God.  Nearly every Christian who has been saved a while here can quote Prov 3:5-6.  But why should we trust him?  There are many reasons, no doubt.  However, Ps 18:30 gives us three of the best reasons.  Why trust God?  We should...

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How To Win A Disobedient Husband, 1 Pet 3:1-6

In 1 Pet 3:1-6, Peter tells a wife how to win her disobedient husband.  Disobedient husbands are “any who obey not the word,” [1 Pet 3:1].  The best opportunity she has to “turn him” is by following what Peter wrote, not by doing what she “feels” is right.  Nevertheless, whether...

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What He Hath Done, Ps 66:16

In Ps 66:16, the Psalmist, in praising God, wanted to declare “what he hath done for my soul.”    The Psalmist is writing from “down the road” looking back on all the things God had done.  He could see the mighty hand of God in his life.  God had done...

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Dwell in Safety, Ps 4:1-8

Ps 4:1-8 contains some great spiritual instructions on how to dwell safely.  Many people follow some practical safety measures, which are wise, like wearing a PFD while in a boat, holding an extension ladder while someone is on it, wearing a safety harness on a steep pitched roof, etc.  But...

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Hezekiah Prospered, 2 Ki 18:5-7

In 2 Ki 18:7 we read the following about Hezekiah, “And the Lord was with him; and he prospered whithersoever he went forth.”  In the context of this verse, verses 5 and 6, we find why he prospered.  He prospered because he trusted the Lord, he clave to the Lord...

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Israel’s Failure in Canaan, Num 32:10-12

When Israel had the opportunity to enter Canaan the first time, they encountered some problems that set them back and caused them to wander in the wilderness for forty years.  Then when they finally made it into the land, they encountered a couple more problems that caused them unnecessary grief...

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Supporting Better Health, Prov 3:5-8

There are certain things you can do to support good health in your life.  These are not cures and remedies.  These are Biblical admonitions which will help you to keep from compromising your health.  They will assist you in supporting better health.   To improve your health: Trust in the...

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They Are Hysterical Acts 21:27-31

They Are Hysterical Acts 21: 27-31 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO The Jews in Jerusalem were hysterical when they thought Paul had defiled the temple.  Of course, they were wrong.  He had come to give them the truth and yet they viciously accused him and tried to kill.  Hysteria is a behavior...

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Responses to King Jesus Ps 2:1-12

Responses to King Jesus Ps. 2: 1-12 CLICK TITLE FOR AUDIO God used over 40 men to pen the words of the Bible, but he is the sole author.  Talking to Don Frisinger, he was amazed that verses from different parts of the Bible tied together to perfectly and clearly explain...

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